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2006-01-22 01:26:40 GMT

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Gladiators Of World War II -  Royal Air Force (2005)                        


                        Source...............: DVD5                  

                        Output...............: DVDR *PAL*
                        Rls Date.............: 2006-01-??
                        DVD Date.............: 2005-02-14
                        Genre................: Documentary
                        Release Size.........: 53x50mb
                        Runtime..............: 55 Min
                        Series...............:  6 Of 13 Discs
                                  PLOT SUMMARY 

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. In the
skies over Southern England in the summer of 1940 the Gladiators of RAF Fighter
Command duelled with the German Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain. Winston Churchill called it Britains finest hour. Heavily outnumbered, Hawker Hurricanes and Supermarine Spitfires confronted Junkers Ju87 Stuka divebombers, Messerschmitt Me109 fighters over the English coast in one of the most crucial battles of World War II. To lose the battle would have meant Nazi invasion of the British Isles, and the end of the war. Led by Air Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, æThe FewÆ successfully defended Britain against the Luftwaffe, who were superior in both numbers and pilot experience.This is the story of RAF Fighter Command. From its birth during World War Iàexpansion into World War II its crucial role at Dunkirk and the fight against Hitlers V-weapons. Former pilots remember some extraordinary stories from their battles with GoeringÆs men, while archive footage brings the excitement and the terror of the dogfights back to life.        


Aldrig forr, vad galler mansklighetens konflikter, har sa manga haft sa fa att tacka for sa mycket sade den brittiska premiarministern Winston Churchill, efter att slaget om England var vunnit. Sommaren 1940 stred piloterna i Royal Air Force (RAF) mot tyskarnas Luftwaffe over sodra England. Deras Hawker Hurricanes och Supermarine Spitfires var i ett desperat numerart underlage mot Junkers Ju-87 stortbombare, de enmotoriga Messerschmitt Bf-109 jaktflygplanen och de tvamotoriga Messerschmitt Bf-110. Det blev ett av andra varldskrigets avgorande slag. Hade de engelska jaktpiloterna forlorat, skulle det ha betytt en nazistisk ockupation av de brittiska oarna och ett slut pa kriget. Med Tyskland som segrare. Men under kommando av Sir Hugh Dowding forsvarade de Storbritannien mot ett Luftwaffe, som var overlagset i antal och vars piloter var mer rutinerade. Detta ar historien om RAFs kommandosoldater. Fran deras tillkomst under forsta varldskriget till expansionen under andra varldskriget. Vi tittar narmare pa deras avgorande roll under Dunkirk och striderna mot Hitlers V-vapen. Tidigare piloter berattar hapnadsvackande berattelser om deras strider mot Gorings man. och filmklipp fran den tiden tar oss rakt in i luftstridernas intensiva spanning.                                  

                                          DVD FEATURES

                                AUDIO                       SUBTITLES
                                [ ] English 6.1 DTS        [X] Swedish
                                [ ] English 5.1            [X] Norweigan
                                [X] English 2.0            [X] Danish
                                [ ] Swedish 5.1            [X] Finnish
                                [ ] Swedish 2.0            [ ] English
                                [ ] Spanish 5.1            [ ] Icelandic
                                [ ] Spanish 2.0            [ ] French
                                [ ] Other:                 [ ] Spanish
                                                           [ ] German
                                ASPECT RATIO               [ ] Slovenia
                                                           [ ] Polish
                                [ ] 2.35:1                 [ ] Czech
                                [ ] 1.85:1                 [ ] Russian
                                [X] 4:3                    [ ] Dutch
                                [ ] 16:9                   [ ] Greek
                                                           [ ] Italia
                                VIDEO                      [ ] Turkish
                                                           [ ] Arabic
                                [X] Untouched              [ ] Hebrew
                                [ ] Re-encoded             [ ] Portogues
                                [ ] Passes [5]               
                                                             DVD EXTRAS
                                                             [X] All included
                                 [X] Untouched               [ ] Partial strip
                                 [ ] Striped                 [ ] Fully striped

                                TORRENT CONTAINS:




       Gladiators Of World War II Series:         
01 Waffen-SS.....................:      
02 The SAS.......................:
03 The Kamikazes.................:      
04 The Desert Rats...............:
05 Norwegian Resistance Fighters.:      

06 Royal Air Force                           - [RAF Fighter Command]                                                               

07 SOE - de hemliga agenterna                - Special Operations Executive                                                        
08 De fria franska styrkorna                 - Free French Forces                                                                  
09 Den brittiska flottan                     - The Royal Navy                                                                      
10 De australiska och nyzeelandska styrkorna - The Anzacs                                                                           
11 De fria polska styrkorna                  - Free Polish Forces                                                                  
12 Chinditbrigaden - djungelkrigarna         - The Chindits                                                                        
13 Kommando- och fallskarmstrupper           - The Paras And Commandos                                                             

       Special Thanks to:
       BBC - For Making this Series
       Bonniers - For Bringing This release to Sweden 

       AND Last but not the least 
       Too ME Phyxsius for uploading this to you all:)
       and I will also add all the great seeders out there 
       keep on seeding:)!!!

File list not available.


If anyone got anything in this genre pls let me know.. I am very interested in downloading it from you:)
Just love u for upping this series m8 ;)
Did you have the World at war, nordic?

Yeah i got it Diabas
kanon torrent. bra jobbaT PHYX
Jag har/hade en avi film, sniper school för tyska kryppskyttar under andra världskriget, men tyvärr så vet jag inte om jag har den kvar.
Men jag skulle bli väldigt väldigt glad ifall det fanns någon där ute med den lilla filmen, en documentär. Och om den/de personerna som sitter på en sådan film skulle kunna lägga upp den så vore jag väldigt tacksam..!!
Will u up that series after this one? I know it contains alot of episodes but I would love to have it m8. Thnx again for this series!
Phyxsius, I think this is what u where looking for!
Hope it helps =)
First of all:)) thanks To ADraw:) for the help it was just the thing i was looking for:)
Secondly I am sorry for the slow upload, but.
I wanted to leech alittle my seld:) and went online to play some BF2 :) that game rocks:)
but... I will try to upload Part 7 now:)
Please continue seeding.. i can't connect at all right now..
Tracker down again ?
Damn.. on refresh my last comment was repeated.. hehe
underbar serie jag tack och bockar
I am here to make all your dreams come true:))
Here is the 10th part:)
Phyxsius!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
THX YOU ALLOT, this theme is like porn for me:P
omg the weekend is saved:P hehe
Thank you.
Tackar så mycket...!!! :)
Please seed, thank you.