Details for this torrent 

XBOX - JoKK - Driver - Parallel Lines (Re-Seeded)
Games > XBOX360
1.96 GiB (2100650522 Bytes)
2006-04-02 19:43:57 GMT

Info Hash:

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|                                                                              |
|                        [  Driver - Parallel Lines  ]                         |
|                    |.[ Company       -:-  Atari      ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Game Genre    -:-  Act/Adv    ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Media Source  -:-  DVD5       ].|                     |
|                    |.[ No. of Files  -:-  42x48MB    ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Platform      -:-  XBOX       ].|                     |
|                                                                              |
|                    |.[ Rls Date      -:-  03.29.06   ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Origin        -:-  USA-NTSC   ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Image Format  -:-  ISO        ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Language      -:-  English    ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Compressed    -:-  Yes        ].|                     |
|                    |.[ Extras        -:-  No         ].|                     |
|                                                                              |
|                                                                              |
|             ISO File size             ;             Compressed to            |
|                                                                              |
|   3.20 GB (3,437,953,024 bytes)     ---->    1.95 GB (2,099,787,541 bytes)   |
|                                                                              |

File list not available.


Sorry about the delay. My computer shut down somehow, and of course was unable to seed. The torrent is back up, and is at first priority, so I hope download rates increase.
Damn, I tried three different burning programs, (BlindWrite, Nero, and UltraISO), and three different kinds of DVDs, yet I still could not get this bloody thing to work. Weird.
Try DVD Dycrpter. Google it. I use Nero 7, I go to burn Image to disc. Also if using nero, make sure you select DVD as a burning media. I have heard of people burning a DVD when CD was choosen as a media, and it still burned but it didn't work.
Thanks for the tip. I honestly don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this game when I've done dozens of others.
How did you make the ISO for Driver though? Usually I just have to extract it and it does this by itself, but I had to use Quix with this game. Then when i burn the image I get a DVD with a whole bunch of files around 47MB in size.
It sounds like I created an ISO of the Files containing the actual ISO with the game files themselves. I hope this isn't the case, becasue then you have to use Qwix to extract the ISO then burn the ISO. Does this make since. This game has been downloaded 103 times so far, so I hope everyone doesn't have trouble with it. In any case I just hope everyone enjoys this release.

Good luck to all.

Use QWIX to extract if you have any troubles.
Yeah I used Qwix as well to create the ISO then Blidwrite to burn. I heard other people doing the exact same thing and it worked for them. My only guess is it's the particular kind of DVD I'm using. I'll have to keep experimenting I guess.
Its weird with my Box. I have the Samsung Drive, and it only plays DVD-R, but recently I have noticed that it played a DVD+R I use Sony brand for DVD-R, and Imation for the +R. Before +R's never worked but it does now. Like you said its all about the brand.
DVD-R works better than DVD+R on Xbox.

I think i saw that written in the xbox manual.
I've played Deus Ex on the PC, and I though it sucked, but Consoles have proven to be better with the use of controls. I would do a retail Rip, but I don't want to spend 8 buck on a rental. Keep looking
Please seed 99.6 %
does this work from hd at all? my dvd drive seems to be broken, it can't even read normal cd's :(
i would like to know if this work. really someone help me.

i looked all over blockbuster and ebgames for the freaking game. but no this game is impossible to find.
ive tryed another torrent but it freezed at the intro. so did my bud's xbox.
Im stuck at 98.9% please seed
Jag har fastnat på 98.9% snälla seeda!
Im stuck at 98,9! Please seed!
SEED goddamn it!!!
I have been stuck at 95,1 for too long now...
Please seed!
seed please seed!!!!!!
works perfectly, just burn it with lowest speed with nero
please seed, im stuck at 96.1%
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All seeds- Big Big Thanks & Respect!!! I Will seed 2 week )). All Merry Christmas ))!!!