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Applications > Windows
67.94 MiB (71239521 Bytes)
2006-12-03 11:31:42 GMT

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           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ??  REL-DATE..:  11.28.2006    
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ??  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-075
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :....CRACKER  ??  DISKS.....:  15x5.00MB     
            SERiAL/AUTH  :.PROTECTION  ??  TYPE......:  VSTi-DXi-RTAS 

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                             Contemporary Classic                      
           FM synthesis has played a huge role in music culture over   
               the last few decades. The FM8 picks up where its        
            award-winning predecessor, the FM7, left off taking FM     
             synthesis even further. FM8's emphasis on ease-of-use     
              brings a high degree of simplicity to the otherwise      
           intricate process of FM synthesis. The powerful new audio   
          engine delivers unsurpassed quality, generating a livelier,  
                    more energetic sound than ever before.             
                           Synthesis From The Start                    
          A central aspect of FM8 is usability. The "Easy Edit Page"   
           offers a clearly designed interface with simple controls    
          that adjust more complex parameters automatically, allowing  
           you to take a far more musical approach to FM synthesis.    
            The more detailed editing pages have been improved for     
          easier handling and are all accessible with just one click.  
                       FM8 lets you play straight away!                
                          Beyond Frequency Modulation                  
             The FM8 offers an unprecedented range of features and     
           effects. The classic metallic leads, crystalline chimes,    
           tight basses and enchanting rhythmic sounds are just the    
            beginning. A unique arpeggiator, a revolutionary sound     
          morphing feature and a large selection of new, charismatic   
            effects add countless sound-shaping possibilities. The     
            sonic potential of FM8 goes well beyond the confines of    
                          conventional FM synthesis.                   
                          Instilled With Inspiration                   
             Included with FM8 are over 960 ready-to-play factory      
           presets. From clean, dynamic, percussive sounds to pads,    
           leads, brass and piano sounds, the presets exemplify the    
           strengths of FM synthesis. Also included are a number of    
             effect rack, sound morphing and arpeggio presets. The     
               integrated KoreSound? Browser makes managing the        
           KORE-configured presets fast and easy. Simply search and    
                          you will find - instantly.                   

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                God bless the men with holy fingers                    
                A plane cannot fly with a good reactor                 
                We have a power our R3                                 
                Cheers m8                                              
                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Run Setup.exe to install                            
                3. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             
                The crack works as long as you don't install the NI    
                software service stuff.                                

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      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

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           Ú???ÄÄÄÄÄÄÂ+?Ä??+ÂÄ?ÄÝ???°Äú ? ?Äú?Ä[ gREETINGS ]Ä?ú-ú????
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                    BSOUNDZ, DELiRiUM, EtHnO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO,
                             AiR, H2O, PLZ, iNViSiON

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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    ?               ?       ?  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ?                 N/A ?

ps: this is my fist contribution to the torrent world. I hope I got it right :/


File list not available.


Glad to see people downloading it... More new Native Instruments products to come
Cheers chipxsd!! Loving the NI stuff big time. Keep up the good work;)
Thank you very much for great uploads!
thanks man
THX! Great stuf!
thanks keep the native instruments comein
How do i install this?