Details for this torrent 

Applications > Windows
58.75 MiB (61603982 Bytes)
2006-12-03 15:06:28 GMT

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           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...SUPPLIER  ??  REL-DATE..:  11.28.2006    
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :...PACKAGER  ??  RELEASE#..:  0DAY-076
           TEAM AMPLiFY  :....CRACKER  ??  DISKS.....:  13x5.00MB     
            SERiAL/AUTH  :.PROTECTION  ??  TYPE......:  VST-DX-RTAS   

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                         The Sound of Guitar and Bass                  
            GUITAR RIG 2 is a professional all-in-one software and     
             hardware set-up for guitarists and bass players. The      
           fantastic sound quality won GUITAR RIG 20 industry awards   
              and artists' praise the world over. A huge range of      
             authentically emulated amps and effects are perfectly     
             complemented by a robust foot controller boasting an      
                    integrated, studio-quality sound card.             
                Doubling the power of the previous version, the        
           possibilities of this award-winning modular solution are    
           endless. From the most dulcet tones to the hardest riffs,   
                    GUITAR RIG 2 is in a league of its own.            

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           Ú???ÄÄÄÂ+?Ä??+ÂÄúÄÝ?±±°ÄúÄÄÄ?ÄÄú?Ä[ iNSTALL nOTES ]Ä?ú????
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                God bless the men with holy fingers                    
                A plane cannot fly with a good reactor                 
                We have a power our R3                                 
                Cheers m8                                              
                1. Unpack                                              
                2. Run Setup.exe to install                            
                3. Buy the stuff if you like it and use it             
                The crack works as long as you don't install the NI    
                software service stuff.                                

    ?--Äú??°?Ú?Ä??_._        _._ÚÄ+ú |____ÚÄ?_:______|_ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ???°??ú---?
           Ú???Äú?Ä[ÄgRP-nEWS ]Ä?úÄÄ??úÄÄú?úÄÄÂ+?Ä??+ÂÄÄÄ°±±???Äú????
         úú?ú    ?+?Ä*ú    ú*Ä?+?   |       ?ú?      ?ú?           ú?úú

      AMPLiFY iNGREDiENTS: 1 cup of TALiO - 1 cup of AI - 1 cup of CoBaLT.
             Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes until set.
                           Let it cool and enjoy. :)

    ?--Äú??°?Ú?úÄÄÄ?_|______:_ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄ?__|_ÚÄ??_._         _._ÚÄÄÄ???°??ú---?
           Ú???ÄÄÄÄÄÄÂ+?Ä??+ÂÄ?ÄÝ?±±°Äú ? ?Äú?Ä[ gREETINGS ]Ä?ú-ú????
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                    BSOUNDZ, DELiRiUM, EtHnO, SPiRiT, TZ7iSO,
                             AiR, H2O, PLZ, iNViSiON

                Special Thanks To All The People That Support Us.
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    ?               ?       ?  [LU060928-AMPLiFY]        ?                 N/A ?

File list not available.


do i need the pedal to use this?


is it compatible with cubase? can i use it as a plug?
Yes.. You can use it as a VST, DX or RTAS-plugin.. (Cubase use VST)..
You don't need the pedal to use it.. Just a normal ASIO-supporting audiocard..
Thanx for this one, it adds Marshall Lead 800 and some new effects. It is the best guitar EMU IMO. Sweet stuff.
What is wrong with this Guitar rig2?

My Cubase is just freezing evry time I open it in the VST Audio channel settings... Why?

Skiten bara fastnar varje jävla gång! Varför?
can I use this software with Pro Tools?
I have installed with no problems - but the software doesn't appear in my Pro Tools 7 LE. Please tell me what I can do to use it with PRo Tools :-P
no bugs and works 100% :)

Installed on PC using WinXP Pro w/SP2
I'm using Creative Audigy Platinum eX sound card (with external I/O box) and SB5200 5.1 speakers. I took the cover and screws off of I/O box and mounted it in my PC case :)

*** Don't expect this to work good with on-board audio sound chip cause they suck! Get a real sound card with ASIO support peeps! ***

This software is incredible and perfect for all guitar players. I'm gonna buy this software and get rig kontrol pedal to go with it!

Thanx man..."You Rock"

\,,/ d^.^b \,,/
Ok, im completely new. i downloaded it and dont know how to use it as VST. Better yet, dont know what that means. i use FL Stuido and my friend said that worked for amplitube 2. Would it work with this? and if so, how? and would i just plug my guitar into the mic area, or would i need a guitar to USB cable? please helpp. Thanks alot for the download btw. it was amazing and quick.
this may seem like a daft question to some ppl but will this work on vista
ps gonna download it anyway just incase cheers for the up this is a fine prog thanx in advance :)
Thx chipxsd,

But there aren't no preset, Can I put the preset of 3 to 2.2 ?

Thanks Guy!!!!