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From Yao to Mao: 5000 Years of Chinese History
(36 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture)
Course No. 8320

Taught by Kenneth J. Hammond
New Mexico State University
Ph.D., Harvard University

In a world grown increasingly smaller, China nonetheless seems to remain as most of us have always seen it: a land far away and exotic, suggestive of secrets and mysteries, its history and thoughts veiled from most Westerners. 

Yet behind that veil lies one of the most amazing civilizations the world has ever known.

In fact, evidence argues that for the greater part of its 5,000-year history, China has been the largest, most populous, wealthiest, and mightiest nation on Earth.

For example: 

 ù   China had a theory of social contract, the "Mandate of Heaven," in place by 1500 B.C.E. 

 ù   It had seen the rule of three classical dynasties before 200 B.C.E. 

 ù   It developed agriculture and writing independently of outside influence. 

 ù   In Confucius and Laozi-among others-it had philosophers of the Axial Age as influential as were Plato, Socrates, and    
     Aristotle in ancient Greece. 

 ù   While the Roman Empire was at its zenith, China?s Han dynasty ruled over an empire superior in almost every measurable
     way, including technological advancement. 

A Civilization So Advanced, Its Wonders Were Thought to Be Lies

This veil that hides China?s extraordinary past from many of us today is far from a new one.

When Marco Polo wrote of the wonders he had seen over his 20 years in China, the majority of his fellow Venetians were simply unwilling to accept his descriptions of a level of civilization to rival their own.

In fact, they contemptuously referred to the book in which he shared his adventures as "The Millions"-the number of lies they believed marched across its pages.

Those Venetians had chosen to turn away from a precious opportunity to glimpse China?s wonders and better understand the world.

But it?s an opportunity you can claim-in a course that delivers a nuanced understanding of one of the most fascinating and complex cultures in world history.

A Journey across a Virgin Landscape

Every lecture of this course may well seem like a journey across a virgin landscape, for the ground it covers is terrain largely unexplored in the history courses most of us in the West have taken. 

You learn about:

 ù   the great dynasties that have ruled China over the years 

 ù   the philosophical and religious foundations-particularly Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism-that have influenced every
     iteration of Chinese thought 

 ù   the larger-than-life personalities, from both inside and outside her borders, who have shaped China?s history. 

As you listen to these lectures, you see how China?s politics, economics, and art reflect the forces of her past.

Explore Several Major Themes

In guiding you through 5,000 years of Chinese history, Professor Kenneth J. Hammond-who received his doctorate in History and East Asian Languages from Harvard University and is head of the history department at New Mexico State University-has organized his lectures around several major themes:

 ù   the evolution of the social and political elite and how they acquired and asserted their power as rulers 

 ù   the history of political thought and the ways in which the Chinese have organized their society and government 

 ù   the ways in which the Chinese have thought and written about themselves and the world around them 

 ù   the connections between economic and social life and the worlds of art, literature, and philosophy 

 ù   the interaction among cosmological ideas, the metaphysical insights of Buddhism and religious Daoism, and the 
     perennial mysticism of popular religion 

 ù   China?s history as it relates to the world beyond its borders. 

A Compelling Foray into China?s Story: From Night Skies Ablaze to Opium

Dr. Hammond?s lectures are richly detailed, and lead you on compelling forays across many aspects of China?s story, including: 

 ù   how the short-lived Qin dynasty-with "Legalism" as its often brutal ideology of governance-became the first unified 
     empire, laying the basis for an enduring imperial order 

 ù   how the fighting Buddhist monks of the Shaolin Monastery became famous as bodyguards for the founder of the Tang 
     dynasty, becoming the forerunners of many martial arts and a subject of popular myth that continues to this day 

 ù   how a concubine named Wu Zetian rose to become the first and only empress to rule China in her own right 

 ù   the crucially important implementation of the imperial civil service examination system by the Song dynasty in the 
     late 10th century, giving intellectual issues renewed importance and making the 11th century flower with great debate   
     and discussion about literature, philosophy, government, and art 

 ù   the dramatic description of the great ceramic center at Jingdezhen, which, in the 12th century, became one of the 
     first true industrial cities in world history, its massive production lines setting the night sky ablaze with the glow 
     from their great kilns 

 ù   the "neo-Confucianist" teachings of Zhu Xi, one of the great figures in Chinese intellectual history, whose sharply 
     divergent commentaries on the classical Confucian texts placed an emphasis on moral self-cultivation and the role of 
     the individual and became their only officially accepted interpretation 

 ù   the conquering of China by the Mongols, including a riveting discussion of their culture and tactics 

 ù   the golden age of the Ming dynasty, when art and literature flourished amidst economic growth and the revival of a 
     great merchant class, including the invention of a postal system that became the foundation of a great trading network 

 ù   how opium became the commodity that allowed Great Britain to pry open China to the avarice of the West, making 
     millions of Chinese into addicts and bringing about the Opium Wars and a profound humiliation for China 

 ù   the extraordinary story of a failed examination candidate named Hong Xiuquan, whose certainty that he was Jesus? 
     younger brother drove him to lead a revolution that nearly succeeded in overthrowing the Qing dynasty 

 ù   the eye-opening story of how China was betrayed by the allies at Versailles, precipitating riots in Beijing and 
     helping pave the way for the emergence of the Chinese Communist Party. 

These samplings can only hint at the pleasures of this course and the immensity of its scope. 

China: A Major Player

At a moment in history when China is clearly reemerging as a major force on the world stage, these lectures offer a reminder that this vast nation is no stranger to that stage and, indeed, has more often than not been the most extraordinary player upon it.

Course Lecture Titles

01 Geography and Archaeology
02 The First Dynasties
03 The Zhou Conquest
04 Fragmentation and Social Change
05 Confucianism and Daoism
06 The Hundred Schools
07 The Early Han Dynasty
08 Later Han and the Three Kingdoms
09 Buddhism
10 Northern and Southern Dynasties
11 Sui Reunification and the Rise of the Tang
12 The Early Tang Dynasty
13 Han Yu and the Late Tang
14 Five Dynasties and the Song Founding
15 Intellectual Ferment in the 11th Century
16 Art and the Way
17 Conquest States in the North
18 Economy and Society in Southern Song
19 Zhu Xi and Neo-Confucianism
20 The Rise of the Mongols
21 The Yuan Dynasty
22 The Rise of the Ming
23 The Ming Golden Age
24 Gridlock and Crisis
25 The Rise of the Manchus
26 Kangxi to Qianlong
27 The Coming of the West
28 Threats from Within and Without
29 The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
30 Efforts at Reform
31 The Fall of the Empire
32 The New Culture Movement and May 4th
33 The Chinese Communists, 1921-1937
34 War and Revolution
35 China Under Mao
36 China and the World in a New Century

More related material:

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Really nice upload, been looking all over for stuff like this
how's the quality? 36 x 30 min is quite a lot for 500 MiB.
oops! never mind
AWESOME. Thank you.
the lectures are very comprehensive, touching upon so many aspects of chinese history... he knows his stuff. one warning though, his tones when pronouncing chinese names are all over the place. he might not actually speak chinese; it might be knit picking but be careful emulating how he pronounces any names in this series.
must say this bumbling guy is so boring tho its enough to make me want to blow my brains out...

good info, but I find the new three kingdoms novel alot more exciting - dw three kingdoms. they got a free ebook too, its like the best version of rotk ever
>> how opium became the commodity that allowed
>> Great Britain to pry open China to the avarice of
>> the West, making millions of Chinese into addicts
>> and bringing about the Opium Wars and a
>> profound humiliation for China

>Bullshit. All of it.

What are you talking about? It is totally amazing to see how practically the entire western world, even so-called smart people, are uncritically swallowing the (US) propaganda against China that is flooding the media. Propaganda pounded against a nation that has peacefully minded its own business for centuries, by other self-righteous nations in the west like the US and the UK which have spent the last few hundred years systematically destroying practically all original cultures on the planet.

The Opium Wars are but the top of the iceberg of the immense abuse of the western world against asia. And now China is being demonized for Tibet, with nobody telling you that since long Tibet has been a politically strategic territory fought over by several countries, including Britain. The "Free Tibet" slogans are just the same old empty propaganda tools stirring up the emotions of people for promoting hidden political agendas by the CIA and others.

Be wise folks, and don't swallow this one without double checking the facts. If you get angry at me now, then ask yourself why. Someone wants you to.
Superb.Thx!!! It helped me with my studies. It helped me to pass my history exam with flying colours!!!
Great ! Thx.
I strongly recommend people not share this. I got a DMCA letter from them. They will enforce protection of their copyrights. Their stuff is high quality but I chose to delete it all after I got the letter.