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Steinberg WaveLab 5.01b for WinXP Vista and Linux-Wine
Applications > Other OS
29.12 MiB (30529395 Bytes)
Audio Editing MP3pro encoding Windows Linux Ubuntu Wine
2007-12-27 13:03:42 GMT

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 ┬░   ├?┬▓┬▒┬░   Supplier     : A good friend                               ┬░┬▒┬▓├?┬░  ┬░
 ├╛  ┬▓├?┬▓┬▒┬░   Protection   : Fully cracked install - no serial           ┬░┬▒┬▓├?┬▓  ├╛
   ┬░├?├?┬▓┬▒┬░   System       : [├╛] W98/ME [├╛] Win2k [├╛] WinXP [├╛] WinVista

                      N B : - - - This jewel of a program also runs perfect
        installed under freeware OS Linux Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Wine !!!

 ┬░┬▒├?├?├?┬▓┬▒┬░   Date         : 2005-05-31.Steinberg.WaveLab.v5.01b-H2O     ┬░┬▒┬▓├?├?├?┬▓┬░
┬░ ┬░┬▒├?├?┬▓┬▒┬░   Size         : 29.1 MB                                     ┬░┬▒┬▓├?├?┬░ ┬░┬░
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         WaveLab 5 is  the only all-in-one  solution for high  resolution
         stereo  and  multi-channel  audio  editing,  mastering,   CD/DVD
         burning  and  for  complete  CD  or  DVD  Audio  production   in
         outstanding  audio  quality. WaveLab  is  not just  a  top level
         mastering  tool,  it also  offers  capabilities for  multimedia,
         sound  design  with  samplers,  radio  broadcasts,  and computer
         telephony  applications.  This  is why  WaveLab  is  the leading
         application for digital audio editing.

         These are only some of the fantastic new features in WaveLab 5:

         - Multi-channel surround audio support from input to output with
           up to eight audio channels for recording, editing,  processing
           and mastering

         - Complete  DVD  Audio  authoring  toolset,  including  Playlist
           editing, on-screen video menu design, picture slide shows, and
           DVD text

         - Lets you create  MP3 Pro (Fraunhofer) files  in up to  96 kbps
           stereo or 56 kbps mono  in  CD-quality (44.1 kHz)  -  directly
           from CD,  or from DVD-Audio,  or a recoreded and edited *.wav-
           file on your harddrive

         - User definable surround-to-stereo down-mixing

         - DVD Audio burning, including video data

         - DVD Audio extraction, conversion, and archiving

         - New "Smart" Video Thumbnail Track for editing audio for video

         - Track effects in Audio Montage

         - Multi-channel metering and analysis with up to eight channels

         - ASIO instant remapping for instant audio compare at the  touch
           of a button

         - New file formats: WMA Pro 5.1 and 7.1 export, AVI audio import

                                    ┬░ ├?├?├?├?├?├? ┬░
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                               ┬░ ┬░┬▒ ├?┬▓   ┬▒┬▒┬▒┬▒├? ┬▒┬░ ┬░                       ┬░
      ┬░                         ┬░┬▒┬▓ ├?┬▓┬░ ┬░┬▒┬▒┬░┬░├? ┬▓┬▒┬░                       ┬░┬▓
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      ┬▒       ┬░┬▒┬▒   ├?├?├? ├?├?├?├?├?├?├?├? ├?├?├?├?├?├? ├?   ├? ├?├?├?├?├?├?├? ├?┬░├? ├?┬░├?  ┬▒┬▒┬░        ┬▒
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     This program is free of any virus. If reported as such, however,
      read paragraph 4 in the text below, and follow its instructions!

         Installation notes:

         1) Unzip and run Setup Wavelab 5.01b.exe

             This program has been packet into a zip2exe-file, and can be
             renamed from .zip to .exe if you do not own an unzip-program!

             The installation itself might take as long time as it takes to
             install Nero 9 full version! So be patient, and do not believe
             your PC has crashed. If you restart your PC under installation,
             you will have to reinstall it from the beginning, in order to
             make it work.

             When finished installing, the program is ready for use.
             If you run it under Windows Vista, however, please follow
             the instructions under paragraph 5 before you run it!

         2) Only be sure to run it from the profile where you installed it,
             If you try to run it from another profile, it will attack you
             with a preprogrammed 30-times limit try-period for MP3-pro

             In order to accomplish running it from another profile,
             right-click on the ShortCut to the program in your Start-Menu,
             then select with your left mouse-button the item "Run as..."
             In this dialog, click on the lower main selection,
             "Following User:", select the user name for the profile that
             you were logged in as while you installed the program,
             and then its password, before you click OK to run it
             without fail.

         3) Deny Internet Access to all the .exe-files in the program folder
             of this program in your firewall, if you run into any further
             problems of any kind.

             Steinberg might also learn how to be able to implement the
             trial version's 30-times restrictions, if you do not block it
             from access to and from the Internet.

             Or they may just terminate the program whenever you try
             using it. The variations of their reactions is infinite!

         4) Also be sure to add WaveLab's folder to the exception-list of your
             Anti Virus' search program!

             This IS a crack, and the program makers might learn how to track
             it if you leave it open to attack from the Internet.
             If so, they will sooner or later find a way to pay an Anti-Virus
             company program's makers to have their program search for
             it and claim that it is "a dangerous virus to be deleted
             immediately; and never to be used again!!!"

             This in order to scare you into paying the more than $600 for the
             personal licence that the program makers live on.

             As long as you only apply this program for educational use, and
             do not use it to make music files that you plan to sell for money,
             however, it is legal to use this crack. Even if the program
             makers choose to claim otherwise.

             Immediately after you've sold something you made with this,
             program to earn money to live off on, however; in addition to
             what it cost you to make it, you legally owe Steinberg more
             than $600; and may risk being prosecuted accordingly for
             the effort!

             Until any of the above mentioned problems arise, however,
             any such modifications while installing this program
             is not necessary.

             Even the people who own their own licence to this program, claim
             that they prefer using this crack. This is because the copy-
             protection screws up the functions of the program.

         5) When installing under Windows Vista, please follow these
             instructions to the letter:

             Steinberg Wavelab 5.01b FIX for Windows VISTA

             * Warning! Will only work with version 5.01b

             From this zip-file's subfolder:
             "_WaveLab 5.01b for Windows Vista FIX_"

             a)  Just copy the
                 and the
                 files to your Wavelab folder: Overwrite existing files!

                 In the English version of Windows, you'll find its default
                 location here:

              "C:_Program Files_Steinberg_WaveLab_*.*"

             b) In order for no problems to arise, you must also be sure to run
                WaveLab in compatibility mode with windows XP ServicePack 2!

                In order to accomplish this, right-click on Wavelab-app.exe
                in your WaveLab folder and select Properties. At the top
                of the window, enter Compatibility. Then set the
                compatibility mode to Windows XP SP2! 

         6) Installing under Linux Ubuntu Wine:

            Please do install Wine Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer
            (beta release) (Binary Emulator and Library) before you try
            to install this program under Linux!

            Use a file manager to open the Setup Wavelab 5.01b.exe file by
            menu-clicking on it, and select open with Wine Windows Program
            Loader. Maybe you will have to download and install Total
            Commander under Wine from Total Commander's homepage...


            ( or some download of Total Commander from
             please be aware that TC UP does NOT install well under Wine,
             and is dependent upon VMware with Windows XP etc. )

   order to unpack this

            You may use a native Linux file manager to open the
            Setup Wavelab 5.01b.exe with Wine Windows Program Loader.
            And you may run it in Total Commander under Wine!

            Remember that all windows and boxes that pop up during
            installation, tend to fall behind each-other, and if you
            use Alt-Tab during setup before you lose your patience
            about some box asking a question you can't answer before you
            see it? Only then the result will be satisfactory.

            This installation takes about as long time that it takes to
            install it under Windows XP and Vista, so please be patient
            here too!

            In Linux there is also the question about under which user
            profile you have installed it, you can only encode mp3-pro
            from the same profile, unless you will evoke the 30 tries

            To edit the ID3-Tags of my MP3-pro files, I prefer using this
            fabolous freeware program instead: TagScanner - 


            This program installs and works also well under Wine as long as you
            only use it for editing wave-files and encoding in MP3-pro.
            When you start opening plugins, the application crashes. But since
            this is the easiest sound editor around to use, it's well worth the

         7) Ejoy!

             This program is free of any virus. If reported as such, read
              paragraph 4 in the text above, and follow its instructions!

         Use µTorrent to download this application: 

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┬░ nfo by H2O ┬░┬░┬░┬▓┬▒┬▒┬░┬░

File list not available.


If you've already have got WaveLab 5.01b, and just want the ability to use it on Windows Vista, this torrent download is all you need:
I've just added this fix to the download of WaveLab 5.01b that I got from Demonoid. Since they were shut down, I thought it best to upload the whole program here as well.
Since I use it only for non-commercial use, I don't see any problems with using the cracked version of it. If ever I use it to make money, I have to pay the licence. Even I know that! I just try before buy! But even the people who own licences of the program, prefer to use the cracked version; because the copy protection is screwing up the program itself!
WaveLab 5.01b is the best wave file editor I know. It is also the program I use to make all my MP3-pro files.

To edit the ID3-Tags of my MP3-pro files, I prefer using this fabolous freeware program instead:
TagScanner -
Crap application
give a reason
i want this so tell us if there is a virus or some stupid shit like that..
Installation stopt at 96%. What's wrong (updating system configuration... and stopt)
When i start Wavelab it automaticly shuts down after like 1sec.

Når jeg starter wavelab lukker det seg etter 1 sekund.



Thanks. Takker.
Wow gratitudes to H2o yet again!
app didNOT ask for ser # or web access???
Like with Nero, this application uses a lot of time during setup. So just be patient; do not reboot, if it seems to be frozen or takes a long time to install. Just let it be, while you find something else to do, to pass your time; and you'll be fine!
Still no progress. Had 5.01a which of course did not work with Vista. Downloaded this one and installed. Opened Wavelab, tried "Open" and the app crashed just as before. Realized that 5.01a was still around so I de-installed both, rebooted, reinstalled this fixed 5.01b version and did the same thing. Crash. Same for the "Save" option. Running the program as administrator and in the Win XP SP 2 compatibility mode. No difference. I can't see that this version really has the Vista fixes...? Anyone?
Oh, just understood that even if the fixed version of the CommonVcPh.dll is in the package it must anyway be manually be replaced (comdlgxp.dll seems to be the same at least when looking at the timestamp/size data for the file). Now it worx. Hoooray! Tnxalot!
Another thing that might occur as a problem with the combination of Wavelab 5 and Vista, but fortunately seems solvable, is that after the otherwise successful installation and first usage of Wavelab, it could not find any CD/DVD burner devices although other apps do. After some browsing I found the site Download the file from there, rename it according to instructions and copy to C:\Windows\System32 (you might not have had the WnAspi32.dll there earlier but perhaps in other locations, anyway it seems that it anyway should be in the System32 directory in order to make it work). Restart Wavelab and you might now see your CD/DVD device in the dropdown of the Write CD dialog.
Please be sure only to use this application from the profile you installed it. If you run it from another profile, it will implement restrictions, preventing you from using it further. So if you've installed it in one profile, and use another, please menu-click on the shortcut to the program, and select "Run as..." and then select the profile where you installed it. Then it will run without fail.
Hmmm i can't this working. Runnin Vista, install no problems, reboot ok, exchange the two files, click to start: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142)". Re-installed 3 times, even got a separate "vista fix".
Anyone please?
DLL80 Maybe you need to tell the program to run with XP compatibility or some like that, Go to the program execution icon (Start, programs, wavelab start icon), right click on it, choose "properties" Compatibility and check the box for "Run this program in comp, for windos xp sercice pack 2.

I hope this helps. Unfortunately there are some older appz that wont start easily with vista, another solution is to get a settings file from someone, I can try to do that too.
When installing under Windows Vista, please enter the folder "WaveLab 5.01b for Windows Vista FIX" and read the README.txt-file you find there. If you do exactly as it says, it will work under Vista:

Steinberg Wavelab 5.01b FIX for Windows VISTA

* Warning! Will only work with version 5.01b

Just copy the
and the
to your Wavelab folder: Overwrite existing files!

In order for no problems to arise, you must also be sure to run WaveLab in compatibility mode with windows XP SP 2!

Right-click on Wavelab-app.exe in your WaveLab folder and select Properties. Enter Compatibility. Then set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP2!
Great Stuff & it works great !!!
with well written and good to follow instructions. This saves me a lot of work and time, because I had it running on another PC & on XP!

So: I owe you one, or two !
Wavelab is ay overrated. Its cumbersome, an djust akward. Ut doesnt play back from start cursor position, you always have to manually move the curson as it follows the timeline and starts off from where you stooped. Pathetic for sound design. Its just really shit.

Soundforge blows it out of the water IMO
Answer to:

«driver76 på 2009-04-28 10:00 CET:
Wavelab is ay overrated. Its cumbersome, an djust akward. Ut doesnt play back from start cursor position, you always have to manually move the curson as it follows the timeline and starts off from where you stooped. Pathetic for sound design. Its just really shit.»

In order to mend this problem, enter with your mouse the File-menu at the top of the screen:

1. Select "Options".
2. Select "Scrolling during playback".
3. Select "Scroll wave (always).

Then the window will follow the cursor always; just like with any other wave-editor you're used to...
Wow, what you mean take a while?
10 minutes max. with putting the wright .dll into the directory.
Works very very good, uping for you guys now.

Hi... What are they saying about download speed, I just got it in just over 2 mins. not bad. anyway I install just shortly, I'll let you know then.

Just installed with no probs, but strange I didn't need the serial No-.?

Big Thanks....
Is this version Portable?

Portable version here, works on XP don't know about others
for Windows 7 get Steinberg WaveLab (Cracked by TEAM AiR) - v.5's open/ save dialogue does NOT work in Win7, not even with the Vista fix.
This application is out of date, and does not work under Windows 7 or 8.

Today I use Free Nero WaveEditor in order to make mp3pro files (MPeG2Layer3) click here to download:



For editing ID3-tags, Free TagScanner is still my favourite:


But for editing wave files beyond normalizing, I use WaveLab 6 that I have downloaded from this site. For some strange reason it won't make mp3pro files, which is why I have to resort to use Nero WaveEditor for that.