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FS2004 - FSX - Ultimate Traffic 2007
Games > PC
653.47 MiB (685217792 Bytes)
2008-04-02 08:56:12 GMT

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Ultimate Traffic for FS 2004 and FSX

Mount it with Power iso

File list not available.


I read the comments and tried the most of i but still get the invalid registration on my screen. Can somebody tell me step by step how to work from the download through the mounting process to the install.

Omg i don't know how to do this. Please help. What do you mean 'mount'? I downloaded poweriso i don't know what to do please help please!!!!
OK ... I'll use my mother language. If anybody can translate.

Après avoir téléchargé le fichier (il me semble que ça va vite), installer PowerIso (trouvable facilement ici)

Click droit et "Power Iso" "Monter l'Image" et on dispose des diverses options pour FS2004 et pur FSX. J'ai test les 2 .....ça marche nickel chrome.

Les quelques fichiers que j'ai uploadé fonctionnent tous.

Désolé pour les gens qui ont eu des soucis.
Ok, I don't know what I did, but i got it to work. I mounted it to F drive, than clicked f drive. But idk. lol...thanks
I found VIRUS in installer.exe (TR/Smalltroj.CYSM) But i guess this is just false alarm..any ideas ?
Hi Guillaume!

I get invaild registration message when opening that ultimate traffic. I don't know what file i must mount, so can you tell me? If i must download some crack, can you tell where?


salut guillaume ,

je vois que tu es francais , peux tu me dire si il est normale que mon antivirus (avast) detecte un virus dans installer.exe , impossible de lancer l appilcation , ca bloque , any solution...?
Can you upload the FSX update for UT2007?
Can anyone remove timelimit on FSxpand: and upload?

Tnx for great upload!
^^^They're cool but I'd like a package that has all their stuff in a big file.

Hook me up and i'll owe ya a beer...
In order to mount the .ISO file first open the file directory (where it is saved) e.g. c/username/documnets/torrents or summin. right click on the .ISO file go down to power iso. right click on the file then go to mout to.... and click mount to drive. hope this helped
Traffic working, but not install from installer.exe !!! Install directly from proper installer, and delete install.exe. And somewhere on TPB is license-generator for UT2007, i got it before format, hmm, i try search it again and write link :)
still dont know how to run this :( i installed it ok but when i start it it shows no registration blah blah... anyone can help?
Trojan Horse generic 12.ubg Virus alert on this.
to install this torrent download deamon tools find it on google search then instal it requires a restart of pc then in the bottom right of your taskbar find deamon tools icon ringht click and click virtual cd/dvd then click mount image then choose game from the directory you saved it to ie. utorrent downloads or simaler click on it and it will automount then go to my computer and witch ever drive it is mounted to click auto play and it will start to instal to crack it go to the drive again click explore and click into the folder named crack or guillaume.a copy the crack and then paste it into the directory where you instaled the game click yes if it asked you to overwrite then close the folder and play the game hope this helps:) enjoy and thanks to guillaume for the upload
Requested flight 1 ultimate traffic 2.
here it is, 2010, 2 years later, still getting the same "bad license" thing as others are getting, and STILL no help.. this is pathetic.
I Betchya That In The Installer They Put A Dll File That Checks To See If Its On A Disc If Its A Disc Than I Thinks You Bought The Disc But If You Extract It And Run It It Will Know You Didn't Buy It
Yea..its true..there is a TROJAN on this disk once you mount it and click!
hey this torrent works , if there is runtime error in xp go through this form

and download link

hope that works for all registry problem user
I'm translating for Guillaume.A:
After downloading the file (I think it goes fast), install PowerISO (found easily here)

Right click and "Power Iso" Mount Image "and the various options available for FS2004 and FSX pure. I test the 2 ..... it works nickel chromium.

The few files I uploaded all work.

Sorry for people who have had problems.
Avast is showing (2) viruses within. Anyone else confirm whether this is a false/positive?

Using Avast 6.0.1091 (05/01/2011)
Virus def version - 110501-1
Threat: Win32:Downloader-DGQ [Trj] (x2)
it says After having downloaded the file (it seems to me that goes quickly), to install PowerIso (findable easily here) Right Click and " Power Iso" " To assemble l' Image" and one has the various options for FS2004 and pure FSX. J' have test the 2 ..... it goes nickel chromium plates. Few files that j' uploadé function all. Afflicted for people who had concern.
After having downloaded the file (it seems to me that goes quickly), to install PowerIso (findable easily here) Right Click and " Power Iso" " To assemble l' Image" and one has the various options for FS2004 and pure FSX. J' have test the 2 ..... it goes nickel chromium plates. Few files that j' uploadé function all. Afflicted for people who had concern.