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Ueberschall Liquid Instruments Horn Section VSTi DXi RTAS AU HYB
Applications > Windows
481.42 MiB (504804641 Bytes)
2008-08-15 10:49:59 GMT
trialanderror Trusted

Info Hash:

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      [SUPPLiER: TEAM DYNAMiCS]             [FORMAT....: VSTi/DXi/RTAS/AU]
      [PACKAGER: TEAM DYNAMiCS]             [..........: HYBRiD/DVDR     ]
      [CRACKER.: TEAM NGEN    ]             [PROTECTiON: SERiAL/AUTH     ]
      [RELEASE#: DYNAMiCS-301 ]             [DATE......: 08.08.06        ] 
                                            [SiZE......: 1 DVD  14 x 50MB]
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     Liquid Horn Section makes it possible for the first time to change 
     a single voice within a brass section, and adjust it to the individual
     composer’s needs. Unbelievable but true: no other plug-in lets you 
     create such a flexible, authentic-sounding brass section as easily as  
     this. Key, tempo, scale – everything can be changed at the touch of 
     a  button and automatically synced. Even individual notes within 
     a single voice can be changed as simply as changing a MIDI note, 
     enabling the creation of countless variations within seconds! All this
     is possible through a combination of live-recorded licks and phrases
     and the unique Melodyne technology from Celemony. The horn sections
     consist of baritone, tenor and alto sax, trombone, trumpet and flute. 
     Performances have been recorded by studio professionals playing 
     high-quality instruments in full 24 bit, using no FX processing. 
     Styles vary from 60s/70s Soul and Funk, Disco, 80s Pop, 90s Acid Jazz, 
     Nu Jazz, Rock, Funk, House, RnB, HipHop, up to the most current  hit

     Liquid Instruments general Key Features:

     - change notes within the phrase
     - control audio material as simply as midi data
     - adapt tempo and key
     - audio quantize
     - select from a wide range of musical scales
     - control all parameters in real time
     - pre-screening with adapted pitch and tempo
     - easily generate your individual setup
     - multiple content management
     - edit start and ending
     - audio export
     - all parameters midi controllable
     - great bandwidth of styles
     - highest quality recording equipment
     - played by the best studio musicians
     - sync to host sequencer

     System Requirements

     Mac OS X 10.3, 512 MB RAM minimum, G4 500 MHz minimum
     - RTAS (req. ProTool 6.4 or later)
     - AU
     - VST
     - StandAlone

     Windows 98SE,XP, 512 MB RAM minimum, Pentium 800 MHz minimum
     - RTAS
     - VST
     - DX
     - StandAlone

     NOTE: We included the KeyGen in a seperate rar file to avoid destroying 
           the hybrid image.

     NOTE: Special Thanks goes to TEAM NGEN that created the KeyGen for this 

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                     Unrar, Burn or mount the image, Install
                     Use NGEN KeyGen to register the product
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   ß                     ß                            ß                     ß

              AiR, BEAT, DELiRiUM, H2O, NGEN, PsyCZ, SPiRiT, SUSHi      
                    Remember to BUY the stuff if you USE it.                    

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File list not available.


Troijan in the keygen? or is it just me...?
keygen is dead!!!!!!!!!
Ups)) It's o'k. Thanks)
yes troijan in keygen shame.thanks eney way
I can't get the keygen to work, any suggestions?
im having problems with getting sound out of the whole plugin, any tips? ive installed it just as the manual says, got the keygen working, but when i start to use the plugin i get nothing..?
Bit defender finds trojan.packed.64947 in keygen

If anyone has an elastik keygen without any viruses pls can you let me know on suprbay ?

I'm uktab there too

Great download tks a lot

uktab there is no virus in the keygen. Lots of keygens generate false positives