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Black Mask Hak hap Jet Li
2008-09-01 14:52:56 GMT

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  ά άΫ²²Ϋί     Ϋ²²²²²²±²Ϋ ήΫ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²Ϋ ²²²±²²²²²±²ΫΫί       ίΫ²²Ϋά ά
   ίΫΫ²Ϋέ    άΫΫΫΫΫΫΫ²²²Ϋ ήΫΫΫΫΫΫΫΫΫ²²²±²²²²²²Ϋέή²²²²²ΫΫΫΫίί          ήΫ²ΫΫί
    °Ϋ²Ϋ            ίίίίΫ          ίίίίίίίίίΫΫΫέήίίίίίί                Ϋ²Ϋ°
     ήΫΫά                                      ί                      άΫΫέ
  ά  άΫί                                                               ίΫά  ά
   ²ΫΫΫ      Movie Name...: Black Mask *Taiwanese Cut*                  ΫΫΫ²
    Ϋ²έ                     (Hak hap)                                   ή²Ϋ
    Ϋ²έ                                                                 ή²Ϋ
    Ϋ²έ      Source.......: Retail DVD R0               SUBS: ENG       ή²Ϋ
    Ϋ²Ϋ      Runtime......: 100 min                           [x]       Ϋ²Ϋ
    Ϋί²Ϋά    Rating.......: 5.7/10                                    άΫ²ίΫ
    Ϋ  ΫΫΫ   Genre........: Action / Adventure / Crime        SWE    Ϋ²Ϋ  Ϋ
    ήέ Ϋ²έ   Subtitles....: Yes, hardsubbed EN + ZH           [ ]    ή²Ϋ ήέ
     ΫάΫ²    Language.....: Mandarin                                  ²ΫάΫ
     ήΫ²²                                                     NOR     ²²Ϋέ
      ΫΫ²    Video Codec..: XviD                              [ ]     ²ΫΫ
      ήΫ²    Video Bitrate: 843 kbps                                  ²Ϋέ
       Ϋ²    Framerate....: 23.976 fps                        DNK     ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²    Aspect Ratio.: 1.75:1                            [ ]     ²Ϋ
       Ϋ² °  Resolution...: 560x320                                 ° ²Ϋ
       Ϋ² ±                                                   FIN   ± ²Ϋ
       Ϋ² ²  Audio Codec..: MP3 VBR                           [ ]   ² ²Ϋ
       Ϋ² Ϋ  Audio Bitrate: 122 kbps                                Ϋ ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²ή²                                                   ISL   ²έ²Ϋ
      άΫ²ί   Size.........: 49x15 MB                          [ ]    ί²Ϋά
    άΫίΫ²    Release Date.: 2007/01/02                                ²ΫίΫά
   ή²έ Ϋ²    Theater Date.: 1996/11/09 (Hong Kong)           Other    ²Ϋ ή²έ
    ²ΫάΫ²    Release Type.: PUBLiC                            [x]     ²ΫάΫ²
ά    ²ΫΫΫά                                                           άΫΫΫ²    ά
 ί²άά ί²ΫΫΫΫάάάάά                                             άάάάάΫΫΫΫ²ί άά²ί
    ήΫΫΫΫΫΫΫίίίί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ίίίίΫΫΫΫΫΫΫέ
  ά άΫ²ΫΫΫά   ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋίί ²Ϋ   ²Ϋίί ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋίί ²Ϋίί ²Ϋ ²ά Ϋ ²Ϋίί ²ΫίΫ  άΫΫΫ²Ϋά ά
   ί²ΫΫΫέ ίί  ²Ϋίά ²Ϋί  ²Ϋ   ²Ϋί  ²ΫίΫ ίίίΫ ²Ϋί  άά ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋί  ²Ϋ Ϋ ίί ήΫΫΫ²ί
    ά²ΫΫά     ίί ί ίίίί ίίίί ίίίί ίί ί ίίίί ίίίί ίί ίί ί ίί   ίίίί    άΫΫ²ά
      ί²ΫΫά                                                         άΫΫ²ί
       Ϋ²Ϋ                        .:.IMDB.:.                         Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ              Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                        .:.Cast.:.                         Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Jet Li               ..  Tsui Chik/Black Mask       Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Ching Wan Lau        ..  Inspector 'Rock' Shek      Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Karen Mok            ..  Tracy Lee                  Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Franηoise Yip        ..  Mei Lin                    Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Kong Lung            ..  Commander Hung             Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Anthony Wong         ..  King Kau                   Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Xin Xin Xiong        ..  Jimmy Jimmy                Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Winston Ellis        ..  701 Squad Member           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Russ Price           ..  Rocket                     Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ       Michael Ian Lambert  ..  701 Squad Member           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                        .:.Plot.:.                         Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    Tsui Chik is a super soldier who leaves a government   Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    funded secret organization that trained him to         Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    escape a life of killing. Yet his new and quiet life   Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    as a librarian is soon interrupted as he finds         Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    himself fighting the same group when they begin        Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    brutally killing off local drug lords and attempting   Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    to blackmail the government by stealing classified     Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    criminal information. Caught between his friend, a     Ϋ²Ϋ
      άΫ²Ϋί   cop who disapproves of the Black Mask's vigilantism,  ίΫ²Ϋά
    άΫίΫ²έ    a love from his past with orders to kill and a new     ή²ΫίΫά
   ή²έ Ϋ²έ    love that he must protect, Tsui struggles to stop      ή²Ϋ ή²έ
    ²ΫάΫ²έ    the very forces that created him.                      ή²ΫάΫ²
ά    ²ΫΫΫά                                                           άΫΫΫ²    ά
 ί²άά ί²ΫΫΫΫάάάάά                                             άάάάάΫΫΫΫ²ί άά²ί
    ήΫΫΫΫΫίίίίίί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ίίίίίίΫΫΫΫΫέ
  ά άΫ²ΫΫά ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋ ²ΫίΫ ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋίί ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋίί ²ά Ϋ ²ΫίΫ ί²Ϋί ²Ϋίί ²Ϋίί άΫΫ²Ϋά ά
   ί²ΫΫΫέά ²Ϋίά άά ²Ϋίί ²Ϋίί ²Ϋί  ²Ϋίά ίίίΫ ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋ Ϋ  ²Ϋ  ²Ϋί  ίίίΫ άήΫΫΫ²ί
    ά²ΫΫά  ίί ί ίί ίί   ίί   ίίίί ίί ί ίίίί ίί ί ίίίί  ίί  ίίίί ίίίί  άΫΫ²ά
      ί²ΫΫά                                                         άΫΫ²ί
       Ϋ²Ϋ    This version is the Taiwanese cut which, although      Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    dubbed in Mandarin and hardsubbed, is the longest      Ϋ²Ϋ        
       Ϋ²Ϋ    version available (even longer than the regular        Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    uncut HK version. The previous releases of this film   Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    (by GDivX & EPiC) were the English dubbed version      Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    which has about 10 min of cuts and a replaced          Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    soundtrack.                                            Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    Sorry about the quality of the picture, but this is    Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    as good as it gets regarding this cut (ripped from     Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    the Thunder Media R0TW DVD).                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ                                                           Ϋ²Ϋ
       Ϋ²Ϋ    Enjoy this Tsui Hark/Jet Li-flick in uncut form!       Ϋ²Ϋ
      άΫ²Ϋί                                                         ίΫ²Ϋά
    άΫίΫ²έ                                                           ή²ΫίΫά
   ή²έ Ϋ²έ                                                           ή²Ϋ ή²έ
    ²ΫάΫ²έ                                                           ή²ΫάΫ²
ά    ²ΫΫΫά                                                           άΫΫΫ²    ά
 ί²άά ί²ΫΫΫΫάάάάά                                             άάάάάΫΫΫΫ²ί άά²ί
    ήΫΫΫΫΫΫΫίίίί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ί   ίίίίΫΫΫΫΫΫΫέ
  ά άΫ²ΫΫΫά       ²Ϋίί ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋίί ²Ϋίί ί²Ϋί ²Ϋ ²ά Ϋ ²Ϋίί ²Ϋίί        άΫΫΫ²Ϋά ά
   ί²ΫΫΫέ ίί      ²Ϋ Ϋ ²Ϋίά ²Ϋί  ²Ϋί   ²Ϋ  άά ²ΫίΫ ²Ϋ Ϋ ίίίΫ       ίί ήΫΫΫ²ί
    ά²ΫΫά         ίίίί ίί ί ίίίί ίίίί  ίί  ίί ίί ί ίίίί ίίίί          άΫΫ²ά
      ί²ΫΫ                                                           ΫΫ²ί
       Ϋ²Ϋέ everyone we know and to those that know us!    ήΫ²Ϋ
      ά²ΫΫ                                                           ΫΫ²ά
    ί²ΫΫί                Contact us @ [email protected]                ίΫΫ²ί
   ά²ΫΫΫέ άά                ά                     ά                άά ήΫΫΫ²ά
  ί ίΫ²ΫΫΫί         άάάάάάάάά²άά               άά²άάάάάάάάά         ίΫΫΫ²Ϋί ί
   ά²Ϋ  Ϋ²Ϋ²²ΫΫΫΫΫίίΫίί ²   ²ΫΫΫίί άάάάάάάάά ίίΫΫΫ²   ² ίίΫίίΫΫΫΫΫ²²Ϋ²Ϋ  Ϋ²ά
 ά²ίί ά²ΫΫΫΫίΫί Ϋ   ²      ²Ϋί άάίί άάάάάάά ίίάά ίΫ²      ²   Ϋ ίΫίΫΫΫΫ²ά ίί²ά
ί    ²ΫΫΫί   ²  Ϋ   ±     ²ί άί άάίί άάάάά ίίάά ίά ί²     ±   Ϋ  ²   ίΫΫΫ²    ί
    ²ΫίΫ²    ±  ²   °    ² άί ά²ΫΫά ²ΫΫΫΫΫ² άΫΫ²ά ίά ²    °   ²  ±    ²ΫίΫ²
   ή²έ Ϋ²    °  ±         άί ²ΫΫΫΫΫά ²ΫΫΫ² άΫΫΫΫΫ² ίά         ±  °    ²Ϋ ή²έ
    ίΫάΫ²       °        άί ΫίΫΫΫΫΫΫά έάή άΫΫΫΫΫΫίΫ ίά        °       ²ΫάΫί
      ίΫ²ά               Ϋ Ϋ άά ίίΫΫΫά ί άΫΫΫίί άά Ϋ Ϋ               ά²Ϋί
       ² ή²     °       ² ά² ΫΫΫ²άά ί άάά ί άά²ΫΫΫ ²ά ²       °     ²έ ²
       ±  Ϋ             Ϋ Ϋ ²ΫΫΫΫΫ ά Ϋ   ² ά ΫΫΫΫΫ² Ϋ Ϋ             Ϋ  ±
       °  ²             Ϋ Ϋ ²ΫΫΫΫΫ ί ²   Ϋ ί ΫΫΫΫΫ² Ϋ Ϋ  aylien!cro ²  °
          ±             Ϋ ί² ΫΫΫ²ίί ά ίίί ά ίί²ΫΫΫ ²ί Ϋ             ±
          °              ² Ϋ ίί άάΫΫΫί ά ίΫΫΫάά ίί Ϋ ²              °
                         ίά ΫάΫΫΫΫΫΫί έίή ίΫΫΫΫΫΫάΫ άί
                          ίά ²ΫΫΫΫΫί ²ΫΫΫ² ίΫΫΫΫΫ² άί
                           ίά ί²ΫΫί ²ΫΫΫΫΫ² ίΫΫ²ί άί
                             ίά ίίάά ίίίίί άάίί άί
                               ίίάά ίίίίίίί άάίί

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