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Ghostrider Collection 1-5
Video > Movies
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English, Swedish
Ghostrider Ghost Rider Collect
2008-09-07 21:06:56 GMT

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The complete Ghostrider collection 1-5

This torrent contains:

Ghostrider 1 - The final ride (2002)

Ghostrider 2 - Goes Wild (2003)

Ghostrider 3 - Goes crazy in Europe (2004)

Ghostrider 4 - Goes Undercover(2005)

Ghostrider 5 - back to basics (2008)


Ghost Rider är "en" motorcykelförare som är känd för flera filmer i stil med Getaway in Stockholm där han i hastigheter, långt över de lagliga, åker genom trafikerade gator. Till hans mer kända dåd hör till exempel att köra de cirka 68 kilometerna från Stockholm till Uppsala på 14 minuter och 55 sekunder, vilket innebär en medelhastighet på 273,1 km/h.

Ghost Rider agerades i början av flera förare, klädda på samma sätt, för att förvirra polisen så att dessa inte kan peka ut en förare. Man sökte upp en polisbil och "lekte" med den. När det gick ut på polisradion och man jagade på ett ställe, kunde en annan "likadan" dyka upp på ett annat och polisen tog sig ditåt. Den svarta looken var ett idealiskt sätt och bli en "ninja" på MC. Dyka upp plötsligt och försvinna spårlöst.

Filmerna är ibland ett ihopklipp, sanningsenliga men nerkortade och i vissa fall tagna på olika platser och tider.

Mycket av handlingen utspelas på att göra narr av polisväsendet som får spela statister i många fall. Mycket lite är förutsett i de första filmerna, om vad som ska ske fast man har filmteam utplacerade på strategiska platser. I en film (Ghost Rider: Goes Undercover) där Ghost Rider spelar MC-polis och jagar en fartsyndare, även denna på mc, syns dock tydligt hur det hela är "manusföljt".


Ghost Rider is "a" motorcycle drivers who are known for several movies in the style of Getaway in Stockholm where he speeds, well above the legitimate, go through the busy streets. To his better-known acts include, for example, to run the around 68 kilometers from Stockholm to Uppsala in 14 minutes and 55 seconds, which means an average speed of 273.1 km / h.

Ghost Rider warehouses at the beginning of several drivers, dressed in the same way, to confuse the police so that they can not pinpoint a driver. Man came to a police car and "playing" with it. When it went out on the police radio and chased in one place, was another "like" pop up on another and the police went there. The black look was an ideal way to become a "ninja" on the MC. Appear suddenly and disappear without trace.

The films are sometimes confused clips, truthful but nerkortade and in some cases, taken at different places and times.

Much of the action unfolding on making a mockery of the police who may be playing in statister (sorry google wouldn't translate) many cases. Very little is seen in the first films, about what to do solid film team has been deployed at strategic locations. In a movie (Ghost Rider: Goes Undercover), where Ghost Rider plays MC-police and chasing a speed-runners, even at this mc, however, clearly seen how the whole is "script followed."

File list not available.


so Back to basics is in this right
To enkille-Yes. It's the #5 video in this series.

To the seeder-Where are you?

I started downloading at 8pm on 9/10 now in 10am on 9/11. I'm at the top with the rest of the bunch at 53.5% Not complaining, just wondering. Will gladly seed after I'm done.
I'm so sorry for not seeding but next week (tomorrow hopefully) i'm gonna start seeding !!
now.. this whole week i'm gonna try to seed !
LOL @ download speed: 5.3 MB/s.
A big thanks to all you seeders ;-)
Okay... 11 seeds and 6 leaches and still getiing 1mbit/s dl :D. Swedish superconnections at work. Thanks for the pack!
seed me : )
Im stuck at 99.9%, anybody else got the same problem?
im getting 2 kb/s wtf
can more people seed i don't wana have to w8 a week 4 this
Ride On Ghost!!!!!!!!
what codec do i need for this i just get sound and a black screen
Sweet.. Thanks for this
very nice torrent!
guys, if u dl at 2 kb/s, DONT WORRY! suddenly it goes up to 500 kb/s :) leave it over night or while at work and it should be done.
will seed, thanks for torrent!
well he shit it when this guy offerd 2 race him after ghost rider seen his dvd theres evan proof of him declinein the challange :)
Kids ride bikes to prove themselves.
(No matter what age the kids are...)
I was the one, and I see no point any more.
Please, just don't kill anyone, including yourself.

What disappoints me here, this is not the movie I wanted to download. LOL
untill my death my ghost will stay alive
thank you mr uploader keep it coming my man
Thanks for this, had a few on dvd and loved them :)
Thank you !!!