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88.54 MiB (92836367 Bytes)
2008-12-17 02:47:47 GMT

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¦__   ¯¯¯ ¦¦ ¦_¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦  _  ¦¦¦¯ _¦¦¦  ¦      Quality Through eXperience!
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¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ _¦¦¯¯¯¦¦¦¦¦¦_¯¯¯¦¦_  ¦¦¦ ¯¯ ¯¦    Experience the true scene flavour!
 ¦¯¯¯¦¯¦  ¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦    ¯_ ¦ ¦                              ¦¦
¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¯_     ¯¯¯     _¯     ¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦  Since:                  ¦¦¦ ¦
¦¯¯ ¦             ¦         __¦_¦¦           ¦¦ 21-04-2002 _ _           ¦¦¦¦ ¦
  ¦________             ¦¦¯¯       ____¦¦¦¯  ¦¦  ____¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦___   ¦ ¦ ¦¦
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  _     __             ¦¦_                                          ¦¦ ¯  ¯¯ _
   ¦¦¦¦¯                         ¯[Presents]                          ¯¦ ¯¯
   ¦¦¦       [               Sepultura - A-Lex                ]          ¦¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
   ¦¦¦ [    Genre: Thrash Metal       ][ Encoder: LAME                 ] ¦¦¦
    ¦¦ [     Type: Album              ][ Quality: VBR/44,1/Joint-Stereo] ¦¦
    ¦¦ [    Songs: 18                 ][ Grabber: Audiograbber         ] ¦¦
    ¦¦ [ Rls Date: 16-12-2008         ][  Source: CDDA                 ] ¦¦
    ¦¦ [  Company: Steamhammer        ][    Size: 88.5 MB              ] ¦¦
    ¦¦ [   Cat Nr: n/a                ][  Length: 54:23 min            ] ¦¦

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¯__ ¦ ¯ ¦¦                                                           ¦¦ ¯ ¦ __¯
¯_  ¦¦      Release comments                                             ¦¦  _¯
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      SEPULTURA is a prime example of an intelligent thrash        ¦¦
    ¦¦      metal act whose powerful compositions continue to            ¦¦
    ¦¦      tackle exciting and ingenious subjects. 1996 saw the         ¦¦
    ¦¦      band devote its landmark release "Roots" to the fate of      ¦¦
    ¦¦      the Xavante Indians on the border of Brazil and              ¦¦
    ¦¦      Bolivia; in spring 2006 the musicians put to music an        ¦¦
    ¦¦      opus by the Italian poet and philosopher Dante               ¦¦
    ¦¦      Alighieri, on their album "Dante XXI". Now this concept      ¦¦
    ¦¦      has reached a new climax: on their latest release,           ¦¦
    ¦¦      "A-Lex", guitarist Andreas Kisser and his three              ¦¦
    ¦¦      colleagues, Derrick Green (vocals), Paulo Jr. (bass)         ¦¦
    ¦¦      and new addition Jean Dollabella (drums), have               ¦¦
    ¦¦      dedicated themselves to Anthony Burgess's book "A            ¦¦
    ¦¦      Clockwork Orange", creating an awesome thrash metal          ¦¦
    ¦¦      opus around this timeless and exciting subject.              ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      "A lot of people know Stanley Kubrick's film 'A              ¦¦
    ¦¦      Clockwork Orange', which is a movie classic, but few         ¦¦
    ¦¦      realize that the last chapter of the book is missing         ¦¦
    ¦¦      from the film. And that's what in my opinion is              ¦¦
    ¦¦      extremely important for the message that Anthony             ¦¦
    ¦¦      Burgess wanted to convey: it's your own free will, your      ¦¦
    ¦¦      own free choice, in which environment you choose to          ¦¦
    ¦¦      move," Kisser explains his interpretation of this            ¦¦
    ¦¦      historic publication. "Following his stay in hospital,       ¦¦
    ¦¦      Alex, the book's main character, returns to society,         ¦¦
    ¦¦      meets old friends, finds a wife and starts a family. He      ¦¦
    ¦¦      makes this choice of his own will, irrespective of what      ¦¦
    ¦¦      the government had in mind for him."                         ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      The recording is divided into four chapters, the first       ¦¦
    ¦¦      three of which cover the familiar plot from the movie,       ¦¦
    ¦¦      while chapter four reflects the final part of the story      ¦¦
    ¦¦      from the book. "Every chapter, from 'Alex I' to 'Alex        ¦¦
    ¦¦      IV', starts with a brief introduction which allows the       ¦¦
    ¦¦      listener to follow the story at all times," Kisser           ¦¦
    ¦¦      explains.                                                    ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      Along with SEPULTURA's familiar raw metal tunes, which       ¦¦
    ¦¦      are omnipresent on the one-hour recording, they have         ¦¦
    ¦¦      authentically translated Alex's affinity with Ludwig         ¦¦
    ¦¦      van Beethoven: supported by classical symphonic              ¦¦
    ¦¦      musicians from Sao Paulo, the track "Ludwig Van" picks       ¦¦
    ¦¦      up Beethoven's "9th Symphony" and transposes it into a       ¦¦
    ¦¦      heavy metal context. This number is a definite must,         ¦¦
    ¦¦      and it would be impossible to optimise this combination      ¦¦
    ¦¦      of classical music and savage thrash metal.                  ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      The material was produced by SEPULTURA and Stanley           ¦¦
    ¦¦      Soares at the Trama Studios in Sao Paulo and mastered        ¦¦
    ¦¦      by George Marino at New York's Sterling Sound studios.       ¦¦
    ¦¦      "A-Lex" is the first SEPULTURA album to feature new          ¦¦
    ¦¦      drummer Jean Dolabella, who joined the fold during the       ¦¦
    ¦¦      "Dante XXI" tour. "We've known Jean for more than three      ¦¦
    ¦¦      years, he's from [SEPULTURA's original] hometown of          ¦¦
    ¦¦      Belo Horizonte and joined us when Roy Mayorga left to        ¦¦
    ¦¦      team up with STONE SOUR," Kisser introduces his new          ¦¦
    ¦¦      drummer. "He's ten years younger than the other band         ¦¦
    ¦¦      members and has brought a new approach into the band.        ¦¦
    ¦¦      Jean has an amazing amount of energy and motivation.         ¦¦
    ¦¦      We're very happy to have him with us, and we're proud        ¦¦
    ¦¦      of the positive impact he's had on the material on           ¦¦
    ¦¦      'A-Lex'."                                                    ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      In stores January 23 2009!                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦

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¯__ ¦ ¯ ¦¦                                                           ¦¦ ¯ ¦ __¯
¯_  ¦¦      Tracklist                                                    ¦¦  _¯
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦      01.A-Lex I                                        01:54      ¦¦
    ¦¦      02.Moloko Mesto                                   02:09      ¦¦
    ¦¦      03.Filthy Rot                                     02:46      ¦¦
    ¦¦      04.We've Lost You!                                04:14      ¦¦
    ¦¦      05.What I Do!                                     02:01      ¦¦
    ¦¦      06.A-Lex II                                       02:19      ¦¦
    ¦¦      07.The Treatment                                  03:24      ¦¦
    ¦¦      08.Metamorphosis                                  03:02      ¦¦
    ¦¦      09.Sadistic Values                                06:51      ¦¦
    ¦¦      10.Forceful Behavior                              02:28      ¦¦
    ¦¦      11.Conform                                        01:54      ¦¦
    ¦¦      12.A-Lex III                                      02:03      ¦¦
    ¦¦      13.The Experiment                                 03:28      ¦¦
    ¦¦      14.Strike                                         03:41      ¦¦
    ¦¦      15.Enough Said                                    01:37      ¦¦
    ¦¦      16.Ludwig Van                                     05:30      ¦¦
    ¦¦      17.A-Lex IV                                       02:46      ¦¦
    ¦¦      18.Paradox                                        02:16      ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦                                            Total Size: 88.5 MB    ¦¦
    ¦¦                                        Total Playtime: 54:23      ¦¦
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¯__ ¦ ¯ ¦¦  Group news                                               ¦¦ ¯ ¦ __¯
¯_  ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦  _¯
    ¦¦ Hell yeah, we bring you another fine release from QTXMp3! :)      ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ The name has been changed a bit, the quality is still as high as  ¦¦
    ¦¦ ever.                                                             ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ What all started back in 2002 grew to what we we are today,       ¦¦
    ¦¦ a dedicated group of good friends with a passion for music.       ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ In order to proceed with bringing you the finest tunes in metal   ¦¦
    ¦¦ and house related music we could use your help:                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ - Rippers, always feel free to apply if you are able to rip new   ¦¦
    ¦¦   metal or house-related music releases.                          ¦¦
    ¦¦ - Siteops, if you are running a mp3 site [100mbit+ / .eu] get in  ¦¦
    ¦¦   touch with us.                                                  ¦¦
    ¦¦ - Shell/BNC providers [100mbit+ / .eu]                            ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ Last but not least you probably know how to get in touch with us. ¦¦
    ¦¦ If not we don't need you!                                         ¦¦
    ¦¦ Respect to all the other groups out there, except yours ;).       ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ And remember: if you like the release, buy the original like we   ¦¦
    ¦¦ did and support the artists.                                      ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ --------                                                          ¦¦
    ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦
    ¦¦ Respect to tha man with the icecream-van                          ¦¦
¦   ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦   ¦
¦   ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦   ¦
 ¦  ¦¦                                                                   ¦¦  ¦
 ¦¦ ¦¦_                                                                 _¦¦ ¦¦
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  ¦¦  ¯¦¦¦¦__                                                    __¦¦¦¦¦¯  ¦¦
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   ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦  ¯¯¦¦¦¦¦___           _¦¯¦¦¦¦¯¦_           ___¦¦¦¦¦¯¯  ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦
    ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦  ¯¯¯¦¦¦¦¦¦___    ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦    ___¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¯¯  ¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦
    ¦¦¦                ¯¯¯¦¦¦¦¦¦_¦¦   ¦¦   ¦¦_¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¯¯                 ¦¦¦
     ¦¦¦                     ¯¯¯¦ ¦___¦¦___¦ ¦¯¯¯                      ¦¦¦
     ¦¦¦   Location:             ¦¯¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¯¦  QTXMp3 NFO last updated ¦¦¦
     ¦¦¦                           ¦¦¦¦¦_¦                             ¦¦¦
      ¦¦   None of your            ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦         29/10/2005         ¦¦
     ¦¦      business              ¦  ¦¦  ¦       By: Team-QTX          ¦¦
     ¦                              ___ ¦_                               ¦

File list not available.


fan, tack
Thanks in advance ; Greetings to all of you UL:ers making this vailible to ppls like me.