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Applications > Windows
1.37 MiB (1431730 Bytes)
2009-03-14 13:32:04 GMT
FlyingNaked Trusted

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    ÛÛÛ        ßßßßßßß         PROUDLY PRESENTS       ßßßßßßßß        ÛÛÛ
     ÛÛÜ                                                             ÜÛÛ
       ÛÜ SoniqWare.PE-1.Linear.Phase.Parametric.Equalizer.VST.v1.1 ÜÛ
        Û                                                           Û
        ßÛ                                                         Ûß
         Û  SUPPLIER ..: TEAM AiR                                  Û
         Û  PROTECTION : SERIAL                                    Û
         Û  SIZE ......: 01 * 4,77MB  	      		           Û
         Û  DATE ......: 03/2009                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  SoniqWare releases PE-1, a seven bands stereo  linear  Û
         Û  phase parametric equalizer with analog-like fully  de  Û
         Û  -cramped  frequency response,  graphical editor,  and  Û
         Û  exclusive shape controls.                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  PE-1 is a 7  bands fully parametric stereo  equalizer  Û
         Û  which,  besides  sonic  quality,  possesses   several  Û
         Û  unique and  valuable features.  First, it  implements  Û
         Û  linear phase  filters which  totally preserve  signal  Û
         Û  details and clarity, especially during transients, by  Û
         Û  avoiding the smearing usually caused by  conventional  Û
         Û  non-linear phase filters.  Of course, the  filters in  Û
         Û  PE-1  can  be  selected  amongst  the  usual  shapes,  Û
         Û  including   bell    (peaking),   band-pass,    notch,  Û
         Û  (resonant) low-shelf, (resonant) high-shelf,  low-cut  Û
         Û  and high-cut with different attenuation slopes, for a  Û
         Û  total of 11 filter  shapes. The different bands  also  Û
         Û  have unique  filter shape  controls allowing  to tune  Û
         Û  the  shape  of  the amplitude  response  of  the bell  Û
         Û  filters,  from  usual bells  to  plateaus, exhibiting  Û
         Û  totally different sonic  qualities and feel.  This is  Û
         Û  performed individually  for each  equalizer band  and  Û
         Û  really   brings   unprecedented   control   over  the  Û
         Û  frequency  response   and  tonal   shaping  of   your  Û
         Û  material. Last but not least, the frequency responses  Û
         Û  are totally de-cramped, meaning that the response  is  Û
         Û  not squeezed down in the HF region as it is the  case  Û
         Û  on  most  digital  equalizer  implementations.   This  Û
         Û  property   actually   simulates   the   behavior   of  Û
         Û  professional analogue audio equalizers and results in  Û
         Û  greater  sonic  clarity. In  the  same vein,  several  Û
         Û  modes are available for the Q factor dependency  with  Û
         Û  filter  gains,  some  of  which  mimic  the  feel  of  Û
         Û  analogue equipment. Another  smart feature, the  user  Û
         Û  has access to an auto-gain function, where the master  Û
         Û  gain is adjusted according to the equalizer settings,  Û
         Û  in order  to preserve  the same  perceived volume and  Û
         Û  minimize  clipping.  Further  participating  to   the  Û
         Û  usability, the frequency response of the filters  can  Û
         Û  be edited graphically  using convenient handles  on a  Û
         Û  large display. Finally, the interface also allows  to  Û
         Û  use host automation features, as well as to store and  Û
         Û  retrieve  programs.  PE-1  handles  all  professional  Û
         Û  sample rates, up to 192 kHz.                           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Features                                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  7 bands parametric equalizer                           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  linear phase filters                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  de-cramped HF response                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  7  filter  types:  bell,  low-shelf,  high-shelf, low  Û
         Û  -pass, high-pass, band-pass and notch                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  unique filter shape control for further tonal shaping  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  resonant     shelf     filters     with    adjustable  Û
         Û  overshoot/undershoot                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  low-pass and high-pass filter  slopes: 12, 24 and  48  Û
         Û  dB/oct                                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  filter parameters: center frequency, gain, Q           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  filter center  frequency control  range: 20  to 20000  Û
         Û  kHz                                                    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  filter gain control range: -24 to 24 dB                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  accurate  frequency  control (1  Hz  increments below  Û
         Û  100Hz)                                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  4 modes for Q factor behavior                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  auto-gain function                                     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  graphical edition of response using colored handles    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  L/R vu-meter with hold peak and clip readouts          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  supported sample rates: 44.1,  48, 88.2, 96, 176.4  &  Û
         Û  192 kHz                                                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  low noise, SNR: 133dB                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  stereo operation                                       Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  master gain                                            Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  load/save programs and banks                           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  VST automation of all parameters                       Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  silent controls                                        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  sub-pixel knob rendering                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Installation Notes :                                   Û
         Û  --------------------                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  1) Unzip, Unrar and copy files into VSTPlugins dir     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  2) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
        ÜÛ                                                         ÛÜ
       ÜÛ                                                           ÛÜ
      ÜÛß                                                           ßÛÜ
    ÜÛÛß                                                             ßÛÛÜ
    ÛÛÛ                                                               ÛÛÛ
     ßßÛÛÛÜÜÜßß      nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN      ßßÜÜÜÛÛÛßß

File list not available.


How does the copy to VST plugins dir work?
i am new and cannot seem to figure out how to install this? any help?
chubbs165 just copy the file to your vst folder and is ready to go!! guys check my original music channel on youtube called bbuteo we just got a contact from EMI swiss and we are very happy for that
yo im new to this stuff and i need to know what i do to get this program workin?
So easy for people to not help, typical for the bay. So screw all yall dickhead lazy basturds that can't find it in urself to give all info needed,thanks for nodda,jackasses!
@guitargamery That is very nice, I hope you'll get a contract through you contact.
There is no VST Plugins dir....