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Applications > Windows
3.21 GiB (3444631305 Bytes)
nexus nexus2 nexus 2 vst vsti rtas air team air team
2010-02-27 01:10:08 GMT

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                                PROUDLY PRESENTS


              SUPPLIER..: TEAM AiR       CRACKER....: TEAM AiR
              DATE......: 10/2009                     CUSTOM CRYPTO
              SiZE......: 69 * 50MB                   LIVE UPDATE
              SYSTEM....: [â– ]WiNXP [ ]OSX
                          [â– ]Vista [â– ]Win7
              TYPE......: Application

              FORMAT....: [â– ]VSTi [ ]DXi  [â– ]RTAS [ ]AU   [ ]REASON
                          [ ]GiGA [ ]WAV  [ ]CDDA [ ]REX  [ ]KONTAKT
                          [ ]EXS  [ ]HALion       [ ]Standalone

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         NEXUS2  is  a  next  generation  ROM  synthesizer  of the highest
         quality  that  can  turn  your  musical  dreams  into  a stunning
         reality.  Forget about stereotypical, boring, stale, old sounding
         ROM  synths  and  embrace  the  power  of  NEXUS2  to evolve your
         productions to a new level of greatness.

         NEXUS2   explores   new   sonic   territory  delivering  complex,
         ultra-fat,  contemporary  soundstorms  that  sound as good as the
         most  expensive and best hardware available today. A powerful and
         flexible   architecture  is  the  foundation  that  supports  the
         immediately  useful  and  spontaneously  engaging  design  of the
         instrument.  Every aspect of NEXUS2 was built to produce music of
         the  highest  quality,  quickly,  with  the least amount of fuss.

         NEXUS2   features   a   world-class   32   step  arpegiator  with
         note-transposition,  an  agile  and  simple  32 step trance gate,
         industry  leading  reverb  licensed  from  Arts  Acoustic,  and a
         sophisticated  modulation-matrix  that  will  help you sculpt the

         NEXUS2  provides you with everything you need to create your next
         hit,  including  a  comprehensive  4GB library of over 880 sounds
         covering  a  significant  sonic  territory  and  driven by a very
         friendly  internal  librarian to find the exact sound you need in
         the heat of the creative moment.

         Features  like search, favorites, and categorization are standard
         not  only in the factory library but in all available expansions.
         You  will  never  feel lost or confused searching extensively and
         wasting  time,  you  will  be  able to pinpoint the sound you are
         after  within seconds. You won't run out of sounds quickly either
         as  NEXUS2 offers an impressive array of 25 expansions covering a
         wide  gamut  of  contemporary  music  styles  and produced by the
         worlds  top  sound  designers.  So  Whether  you  need  the  most
         powerful  dance  lead  sounds  to set the club on fire, or a full
         gregorian  choir  for  your  next  masterpiece,  NEXUS2 delivers.

         All  of  this  may  seem  like it would be quite demanding on the
         system  resources  of  your  DAW,  however, NEXUS2 is very frugal
         with  the  CPU  and  careful with your RAM. You can load multiple
         instances  into  your  sequencer without worry and because NEXUS2
         is  coded  with  love  and  care  for  the  end user you can rest
         assured  that  many  instances  can  be  used  on  modern systems
         simultaneously without sacrifice.

         NEXUS2  is  also  a  very  accessible  instrument  with  contrast
         controls  and  several  skins  available  which  can  change  the
         appearance  from  black,  to  blue, to C64 beige, you can be sure
         you  will  find NEXUS2 not only a joy to hear but also a pleasing
         aesthetic vision.

         Are you ready for NEXUS2? You better be.

         NEXUS2  includes  these  four different skins, so no matter which
         host  you  use,  NEXUS2  will always look it's best and fit right
         in.  Each  instance remembers which skin was selected, so you can
         even  use  different  skins for different tracks. How about using
         one  of  the  black  skins for the drums, but Cobalt for the bass
         and the white for the melody

                  â–„â–„                                   â–„     â–„
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                  1) Unrar and mount or burn.

                  2) Refer to Installation.txt on DVD

                  3) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!

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                                         â–€        nFO bY lADYbEAR-dESIGN 2009

         Our  release  allows  the importing of every Nexus v1.x expansion
         or  skin  through  the  Nexus2  interface.  If you use expansions
         released  by  other  groups  we  strongly  suggest you import the
         large  .nxp  file  again.  Specifically if you have installed the
         fxp  fix-up  executable  that  was  included  with some expansion

         Our  release doesn't need patched presets because it performs all
         fxp decryption correctly using the proper method :)

         ***  If  you want to be absolutely sure you should install Nexus2
             clean  then  import  each  expansion  and  skin available ***

         - delete your existing Nexus1 content folder
         - uninstall Nexus1
         - install Nexus2
         - install all expansions and skins

File list not available.


Seeders plaese... :)
seeding as fast as i can on my 1MB/s line
for some reason the autorun.exe does nothing when I start it. it will not install or do ANYTHING. where's the problem? I use daemontools lite.
i used poweriso to mount it so try that
can someone please put this up for the mac version?
Hmmm not sure, but my AVG scanner detects a trojan in the water.dll file (not totally sure about the name of the file) but atleast it doesn't start the setup :(
It is clean and virus free checked with NOD32
it is installed and running on my machine with no ill effects
Thank you very much, this device working as Good voizzzz
Ur a legend, keep up the good work
ill seed as much as i can, this vst plugin is good for sure, without using it i know its tops next to sylenth1 and the original nexus 1.

It wont work for me :/ I have try reinstall it 10 time still wont work

I install it and put the Nexus content map in Vstplugins but when I open FL Studio it isnt there

Is it because I have Windows Vista 64-bit :S

Please answer i need Nexus
you have to go to add channel and select more plugins and rescan then select nexus
Hi! I have download this and 3 other torrents with refx nexus 2.

But it will not work becuase all missing setup.dmg
I only found setup.exe and that work just on PC i have a mac and have looking for a long time after the refx nexus 2 with setup.dmg

Please can some one help me!
Up and running! :)
I'm only getting an .nfo file and a bunch of air-nexus2.r31 type files. how do i install this torrent?
This not work on MAC OS
Is the Version 2.2.1 Or 2.2.0 because i need to use Hollywood Expansion
Hello, can anyone please upload these 2 files, somehow they are corrupted and i can't extract the iso file to begin setup.

Why im i getting this error? i used this torrent b4 and worked perfect, downloaded other torrents but still get the same error.
I have a problem with nexus. i get this error "One or more sample-files(.NXS) are missing. Please einstall nexus or the expansion..." i have used this torrent b4 and worked perfect! Please help!
For MAC version of nexus 2 type "software4producers nexus 2" in google ^.^ :D
FOR ALL MAC OS X USERS check this out no bullshit!! "How to install Nexus 2 on a mac using FL Studio 11 (mac)"

**FOR ALL MAC OS X USERS check out no bullshit How to install Nexus 2 on a mac using FL Studio 11 (mac)**


**********finally a fix for mac users************
Works perfectly, thank you very much
FOR MAC USERS! - you can find download link to nexus 2 on :p