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125 selected TED talks -audio mp3 versions
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2011-07-23 13:04:46 GMT

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AdoraSvitak_2010 What adults can learn from kids.mp3
AlaindeBotton_2009G a kinder philosophy of success.mp3
AlexTabarrok_2009 how ideas trump crises.mp3
AmyTan_2008 on creativity.mp3
AubreyDeGrey_2005G we can avoid aging.mp3
BarrySchwartz_2005G paradox of choice.mp3
BarrySchwartz_2009 our loss of wisdom.mp3
BenDunlap_2007a passionate life.mp3
BenjaminZander_2008 on music and passion.mp3
BillGates_2010 innovating to zero.mp3
BobThurman_2006S we can be Buddhas.mp3
BrianCox_2008 supercollider.mp3
BrianGreene_2005 string theory.mp3
BurtRutan_2006 future of space.mp3
CarlHonore_2005 slowness.mp3
CaryFowler_2009G the future of food.mp3
CharlesLeadbeater_2005G innovation.mp3
ChrisAbani_2008 humanity.mp3
ClayShirky_2009S social media.mp3
DanAriely_2008P decisions.mp3
DanBuettner_2009X longevity.mp3
DanDennett_2003 consciousness.mp3
DanGilbert_2004 happiness.mp3
DanGilbert_2005G expectations.mp3
DanielGoleman_2007 compassion.mp3
DanielKahneman_2010 experience and memory.mp3
DanielPink_2009G motivation.mp3
DavidDeutsch_2005G our place in the cosmos.mp3
DavidPogue_2006 simplicity  sells.mp3
DeanKamen_2002 inventing and giving.mp3
DeanKamen_2009P emotions and inventions.mp3
DeanOrnish_2006 the worlds killer diet.mp3
DerekSivers_2010U how to start a movement.mp3
ErikHersman_2009U reporting  crisis via texting.mp3
ErinMcKean_2007 redefining the dictionary.mp3
EvanWilliams_2009 listening to Twitter users.mp3
EveEnsler_2004 happiness in body and soul.mp3
EvelynGlennie_2003 how to listen.mp3
EvgenyMorozov_2009G how the net aids dictatorships.mp3
FieldsWicker-Miurin_2009S leadership.mp3
GeoffMulgan_2009G investing in a better world.mp3
HansRosling_2009S datasets changes mindset.mp3
HectorRuiz_2007G connecting the world.mp3
HelenFisher_2006 why we love and cheat.mp3
HelenFisher_2008 brain in love.mp3
HowardRheingold_2005 collaboration.mp3
IsabelAllende_2007 tales of passion.mp3
JamesCameron_2010 avatar.mp3
JamesForbes_2009P compassion.mp3
JamesSurowiecki_2005 social media become news.mp3
JanChipchase_2007 mobile phones.mp3
JaneGoodall_2002 humans and apes.mp3
JaneMcGonigal_2010 gaming and a better world.mp3
JanineBenyus_2005 sharing natures designs.mp3
JaredDiamond_2003 why societies collapse.mp3
JayWalker_2009 worlds English mania.mp3
JeffBezos_2003 web innovation.mp3
JimmyWales_2005G Wikipedia.mp3
JJAbrams_2007 mystery box.mp3
JohnFrancis_2008 walking the earth.mp3
JohnHodgman_2008 aliens -where are  they.mp3
JohnMaeda_2007 simple life.mp3
JonathanZittrain_2009G random acts of kindness in the web.mp3
JoseAntonioAbreu_2009 Kids transformed by music.mp3
JuliaSweeney_2006 letting go of God.mp3
KaryMullis_2002 experiment.mp3
KenRobinson_2006 school kill  creativity.mp3
LawrenceLessig2007 laws that choke creativity.mp3
LizColeman_2009 liberal arts education.mp3
MaeJemison_2002 teaching art and science.mp3
MarcPachter_2008P the art of the interview.mp3
MartinSeligman_2004 positive psychology.mp3
MatthewChilds_2009 rock climbing.mp3
MatthieuRicard_2004 habits of happiness.mp3
MenaTrott_2006 blogs.mp3
MichaelSpecter_2010 the danger of science denial.mp3
MurrayGellMann_2007 beauty and truth in physics.mp3
NancyEtcoff_2004 science of happiness.mp3
NatalieMerchant_2010 old poems to life.mp3
NicholasChristakis_2010 the hidden influence of social networks.mp3
NickVeasey_2009G the invisible.mp3
NoahFeldman_2003 politics and religion are technologies.mp3
OliverSacks_2009 what hallucination reveals about our minnds.mp3
PaolaAntonelli_2007 design  as art.mp3
PatriciaBurchat_2008 dark matter.mp3
PatrickAwuah_2007G educating leaders.mp3
PaulStamets_2008 mushrooms can savve the world.mp3
PhilBorges_2006 endangered cultures.mp3
PhilippeStarck_2007 design.mp3
PhilipZimbardo_2008 how people become monsters or heroes.mp3
PhilZimbardo_2009U a healthy talke on time.mp3
RaghavaKK_2010 five lifes of an artist.mp3
RayKurzweil_2005 how technology will transform us.mp3
RebeccaSaxe_2009G how we read each other's minds.mp3
ReedKroloff_2003 modern and romantic architecture.mp3
RichardBaraniuk_2006 open-source learning.mp3
RichardDawkins_2002 militant atheism.mp3
RichardDawkins_2005G our queer universe.mp3
RichardSt.John_2005 8 secrets of success.mp3
RickWarren_2006 a life of purpose.mp3
RobertWright_2006 optimism.mp3
RobForbes_2006 ways of seeing.mp3
SamHarris_2010 science can answer moral questions.mp3
SasaVucinic_2005G investing in free press.mp3
SaulGriffith_2006 everyday inventions.mp3
ScottKim_2008P the art of puzzles.mp3
SergeyBrin_LarryPage_2004 on google.mp3
SethGodin_2003 on standing out.mp3
SimonSinek_2009X how great leaders inspire action.mp3
StephenHawking_2008 the universe.mp3
StephenPetranek_2002 armageddon.mp3
StevenJohnson_2003 the web as a city.mp3
StevenPinker_2005G language and thought.mp3
StewartBrand_2004 on the Long Now.mp3
SusanBlackmore_2008 memes.mp3
ThelmaGolden_2009 how art gives shape to cultural change.mp3
TimBerners-Lee_2009 the next Web.mp3
TomHoney_2005 on God and the tsunami.mp3
TomWujec_2009U 3 ways the brain creates meaning.mp3
TomWujec_2010U build a team.mp3
TonyRobbins_2006 why we do what we do.mp3
VilayanurRamachandran_2007 on your mind.mp3
VirginiaPostrel_2004 glamour.mp3
YochaiBenkler_2005G open source economics.mp3
ZeresenayAlemseged_2007G humanities roots.mp3

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To Dear omdaru

I really appretiate ur work in here

sincerely wish u success in all walks of life
Thanks a lot
wow wow wow....thanx!
Excellent talks by the world's best.Thanks.
thanks for sharing.
thank you very much for sharing this.