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Video > TV shows
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conspiracy theory History decode Brad Meltzer Declaration Of Independence Americana National Treasure Beale
2012-01-17 11:14:03 GMT
iamgreat Trusted

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IN CONGRESS, 11 January 2012
The unanimous Declaration of the one united Dominion of a Canadian

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one person to fill 
the gaps which have divided episodes of a series and to assume among the powers 
of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of 
Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires 
that they should declare the causes which impel them to the action.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all releases are not created 
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain characteristics, that
among these are Source, Bit rate, and the lack of Haste. — That to secure these 
characteristics, councils are instituted among groups, deriving their just 
powers from the consent of the groups, — That whenever any Form of Council or 
group becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter 
or to abolish it, and to institute new order, laying its foundation on such 
principles and organising its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most 
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that
groups long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; 
and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to 
suffer, while poor qualities are sufferable than to right themselves by 
abolishing the groups to which they are accustomed.

It would be brilliant if everyone stopped taking the best of Canadian shows and
claiming they are American simply because an American broadcaster has acquired
rights to broadcast the show in America. We don't claim Grey's Anatomy is a
Canadian show simply because it is on CTV. Most every current show with a ".US"
is actually Canadian. Montreal and Burnaby are not in the USA. The production 
companies / copyright holders Muse Entertainment and The Beedie Group are ".CA". 

It would be nice if other groups didn't avoid Canadian shows. You get various US
shows from Canadian feeds so why shy away from the Canadian shows on those same
channels you clearly have access to. There is a 2 Hard Done-by monopoly at this 
time because no other group won't avoid Canadian shows other than Flashpoint. 
The holder of the monopoly has been the most publicly vocal group about the
inherently unacceptable nature of ".CA" shows out there. Frustrating irony.  

The coverage of the most recent New Year's Eve programmes was comprehensive but
the quality was total shit. They were concerts with the bit rate overly generous
to the video at the expense of decent sound for a concert and even that was 
blocky like nothing i have ever seen from a scene group. Low bit rate analogue
capture up-converted and mis-labelled? Kinda looks like it. But with noone to
say boo or the threat of a nuke they get away with releasing mis-labelled stuff. 

The scene-wide habit of splitting shows into CD-size slices is fucking annoying. 
That it is actually somewhat contrary to the your rules to ensure files are
re-joinable is idiotic. Noone burns things to CDs any more. Not splitting the
files in the first place would be the sane thing to do. It was so with the 
Canadian Country Music Awards a few months ago. Make that the standard. 
Re-release as much as you all can in un-split versions, ignoring all dupe
concerns. By the end-user's perspective split-file episodes are what need to be
nuked. -- Or do it with 720p files too and fuck with everyone equally so we all 
hate all of you for everything you are all so proud of.  

  British group WATERS actually made a point of this 3 years ago with an episode 
  of Jonathan Creek. The nuke reason is quite illogical in the latter half:
   Again it is said, why the fuck split them in the first place when 1400MB fits
   fine on a DVDR or your favourite hard drive. 
Far too many examples exist to demonstrate that speed is now priority over
quality. The thrill of being first at all costs may be fun but for the person
downloading a flawed file there is no joy when they learn what they have. As 
Soon As a Person gets such a file they look for somewhere to complain. 

If you can't guess, since this show on the ".US" Declaration Of Independence 
fell to a lone ".CA" to release some fun was had with the nfo and greivances 
openly declared. If you ".US" folk had not been so careless to all collectively 
skip it in the first place you wouldn't need a ".CA" to cover your ass and fill 
a gap in this show. Next week is Mount Rushmore. Wonder what will be had there. 
Not a fan of Patton so that episode might be intentionally skipped. 

                       01                     11110101           100            
                       101                    000 0011           011            
                        01                   1011  1111          101            
                                             111   1011          010            
                       1001                 0111    0101         110101         
                       1100             01010100111000100 00     1011111        
                       1111         00010  0110  1101010100      11 0010        
                       0011        1011    1001     111000       10 1010        
                       1110      1011     1111         101       11  011        
                       0110     001       100           001      00  11         
                       1101     01       1111            10      11  00         
                        111    01        011             110      0  00         
                        11     0        100                11     1  00         
                        10     0       100                  0        110        
                        01     00    1000                    1        01        
                        11       1100111                     00       01        
     001100000000110   000                                            101       
    0                  01                                              00       
    10               100                                                10      
          000011000                                                      10     


       Title : 
        US Air Date : 12 October 2011
        CA Air Date : 10 January 2012
        Release Date : 17 January 2012
        Channel : History Television                                                                          
        Video Resolution : 624x352
        Frame Rate : 23.976
        Duration : 44.05                         
        Audio Format : mp3
        Audio Bit Rate : 128 kbps vbr

        File Size :  366,817,280 bytes  or 349.82 MB

         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      Episode  Summary      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of American Democracy. 
Could it contain hidden messages from that nation's forefathers intended to be 
discovered years later? Buddy, Mac, and Scott travel across America to try to 
uncover the mysteries behind that nation's most prized document.

         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         Rip  Notes         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This episode comes from History Television, the original and domestic home of 
Trashopolis and the mini-series The Kennedys. It is not the same as History. 

History Television was the commissioner and proud broadcaster of The Kennedys.
History was the late comer who demanded control and then said it was shit once 
it was made to their demands. Though the mini-series was good enough for History 
to show on their UK channel of the same name it was sloughed off to ReelzChannel
in the US who demanded world premiere or they too would pass. The mini-series 
was to be on in March in Canada but ReelzChannel said they could do no earlier
than the first week of April. So the premiere in Canada was cancelled. And you 
wonder why a fan of Canadian tv is fed up with things being dictated by foreign 
(ie American) parties. O how i find such sweet irony in releasing this episode.  

                                 Proudly Canadian
                                     ~ hugs ~

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          Cheers to         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  err0001   John A   Fitz   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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