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Applications > Windows
719 MiB (753923619 Bytes)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v4.0 Multilingual Incl Keymaker CORE
2012-03-10 01:18:21 GMT
scene4all Trusted

Info Hash:

(Problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client!)
           SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS       444444444                 AAA                   
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t h e  c r a c k e r s  o f


p r e s e n t   t h e   2 0 k - c o l l e c t i o n

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v4.0 *INCL.KEYMAKER*

Cracked by....:  tam               Release-Name..:  CR-SBK01.ZIP
Supplied......:  CORE              Release-Date..:  2012/03/06
Packaged......:  Bergelmir         Release-Type..:  Util
Protection....:  Serial            OS............:  Windows
Crack/SN......:  Keymaker          Language......:  Multilingual
Rating........:  [You decide!]     Disks.........:  76

..: DESCRiPTiON :..

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 software provides a comprehensive set
of digital photography tools, from powerfully simple one-click
adjustments to cutting-edge advanced controls. Create images that
inspire, inform, and delight.


You got two choices:

Use our keymaker patch the hosts file and then register the

Add the following line in your hosts file located in

Then use our keymaker to register the application.

Thanks for choosing
(C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering!


- not available -

lAYOUt & hEADER bY. [rAD!s]
nfO UPdATED ON [2012/01/13]
(c) C.O.R.E. 2 0 1 2

CRC 2E82:32BB


File list not available.


hi ... how can I prevents that Norton detects your Keygen as a trojan virus. and delete it while I'm downloading this torrent ?
what about Mac version? :D
the keygen works fine…
If you're a mac user, download a copy of LR4 setup file from, and install it on your mac. After installation, the app will prompt you and ask if you want to try the product or you have a SN. Choose the SN option.

For the SN, run the keygen on a Windows machine and generate a key. On your mac, disconnect from the internet and launch Terminal, enter "sudo nano /etc/hosts" (without quotation marks). Add this line in to the host file "" (again, without quotation marks). Then hit Control+X (^X) and press Y. In case you find that the line is already in your host file, exit by hitting Control+X and press N. After you change the hosts file, enter the serial number generated on Windows machine to the SN line in the LR4 app.

Done! Enjoy!
thank you works fine
Or if your a mac use then you can grab this:

Thank you very much!
im suck with this magnet stuff..why we cant download .torrent file anymore??
boyzscreams, just downloadupdate your torrent client an it will work like a charm!
Maybe I'm the only one stupid enough not to know this but the SN is under: "Adobe Photoshop LightRoom v4.x"

I had no idea the official name was Photoshop Lightroom. It's working great by the way, thanks for the share.
will this run on win XP?
will this run on win XP?
Went back to 3.4 after about 5 minutes!
This is either the worst LR release ever or a dubious release candidate repacked as a final by Core.
For instance:
the preview window in the Develop module doesn't work (scroll through the white balance settings and it does nothing - doesn't even display the thumbnail properly).
If you export multiple virtual copies of an image into Photoshop (e.g. to manually merge different RAW conversions) using Export as Layers it opens three identical copies of the original and not the different virtual copies.
Uninstalled and waiting for 4.1 !!
The program is good, installs ok. problem is, the Keygen has a trojan and it doesn't look like a typical AV false alarm. I first decided to open it in the SANDBOX MODE of Comodo, which blocks all file attempts to access system files. the alarm was for a trojware.win32.spy.keylogger, not just any generic trojan, but a keylogger. seems too specific to me to be just a random false alarm.

happens all the time for me ... i normally open it up in a VM but you can right click the norton icon and "disable antivirus autoprotect" for a few hours ... works fine ... than when your done run a virus scan
anybody succeeded in upgrading to 4.1?
thanks, hope this works!
thank you for not packing everything into 1 RAR.

- clean
- works
- tested

@ vidas60
no one cares .. buy it..
This is only for windows Vista and above. If you using Windows XP please do not download
don´t download it if you don´t have good antivirus ... i found there Virut.Z
it works on windows 7 64bit
Keygen contains a keylogger. Picked up on antivirus and CORE10k.exe CRC check failed! Use these keys instead:
Does these keyes work on the new released 4.1?
Seems like this is upgradeable to 4.1 without problems. Just download upgrade file from Adobe and install. I disconnected internet before upgrading, dont know if it was necessary.
@Rozeen :::: You can normally disable Norton fairly easily by right clicking icon on toolbar and choosing the appropriate option there.