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King: A Life (Audiobook) by Jonathan Eig | KENNEDY24 SOS!
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Can we put our political disagreement aside for one moment and just be Americans for a second please?  Nobody should have to risk their life to run for office in our country.

I cannot be the only one who is seeing that the presumptive Presidential frontrunner in the 2024 election is literally campaigning from the middle of the wilderness  in a canoe because the current President is trying to kill him, right? 

Please give this man your money they are literally hunting him like an animal. RIGHT NOW.

 ▓▆▅▃▂▁ KENNEDY24.COM ▁▂▃▅▆▓

King, his brother Reverend Alfred Daniel, JFK, Otis Redding, RFK Sr. and dozens of witnesses were murdered by the CIA & FBI in the 1960s, in the ongoing programs COINTELPRO [FBI] and MH//CHAOS [CIA] the former was also responsible for the brutal murder of leftist actress Sharon Tate in an MK-Ultra test devised by CIA Asset Charles Manson, as exposed by Tom O'Neill in his historical masterpiece 'CHAOS'.  

King was murdered by CIA assassin 'Raoul' who, according to reformed CIA dirty trickster Missouri Sheriff's Deputy John Cooper Green Jr., who was unwittingly made a part of king's murder and, having evolved from the segregationalist roots of his MO hometown attempted to expose the agency in an unpublished memoir titled 'Blood and Dishonor on a Badge of Honor'.

Dep. Green was murdered by the CIA in Florida before his memoir was published, but not before it could be read.  In it Green reveals the real name of King's killer, Butch Collier, and furthermore, provided hard evidence, in the form of a photograph of the murder weapon and a picture of himself next to one of the infamous white mustangs used by CIA & FBI in king's public extrajudicial execution.  Convicted innocent James Earl Ray's mustang was banana yellow, and the King family have met with him and publicly proclaimed Ray's innocence on multiple occasions, both before and after his death (or murder) in 1998, serving a sentence for a murder he did not commit.

"M.L. King Murder A Government Plot,"
Says Former CIA Participant. "I was part of it."
"Raoul" Identified as FBI Agent

Read time: 24 minutes

by Pat Shannan

New evidence has surfaced in the 1968 Martin Luther King murder
case. It is supplied by an "insider" who claims to have been part of a
"hit team" that had come out of the "Missouri Mafia" headquartered in
the town of Caruthersville, a small town in the bootheel section of that
state. In a yet-to-be-published book, former County Deputy Jim Green
reveals his assigned role in the conspiracy, the name of the actual
trigger man, and the long-suspected involvement of J. Edgar Hoover
and the FBI. Green also believes that he possesses the actual murder
weapon, which he personally secreted away only hours after the murder.
"Jim Green is telling the truth," says Lyndon Barsten, an astute
researcher of the case over the past decade. "I have no doubt
whatsoever. The pieces he has supplied fit perfectly and could not have
come from someone who was not there." Indeed they do fit, and it is all
backed up by FBI documentation derived by Barsten through numerous
FOIA requests.

On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King was gunned down on the
second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee by a
single shot from a high powered rifle. Several witnesses said the shot
came from the bushes on a slope from across the street. The FBI
concluded that it came from the rear bathroom window of a cheap hotel,
also across the street and higher up the hill.

Two weeks later the name of James Earl Ray, a fugitive escapee from
the Missouri State Penitentiary, was announced to the world as the man
who had killed King, escaped to Canada, and was currently in hiding
somewhere across the border. After Ray was identified as the killer and
long before he was captured, the FBI spent little or no time pursuing
any other leads. Two months later the fugitive was caught changing
planes at Heathrow Airport in London, after having left Canada and
spending ten days with persons unknown in Portugal. He was
attempting to board a plane to Brussels.

On March 10, 1969, James Earl Ray, with his attorney Percy Foreman,
pled guilty to the murder before the court of Judge Preston Battle. He
was sentenced to 99 years in prison. He recanted almost immediately
and filed a motion for a trial only three days later. But before the month
was out, Judge Battle was found dead in his chambers, slumped over his
desk. Beneath his head were the papers of the handwritten motion from
James Earl Ray. The case was closed, and Ray began his sentence in the
Tennessee State Penitentiary.

The "Official" Story
The scenario released by Memphis police and the FBI and later used by
the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was that in late
March of 1968, James Earl Ray had purchased a Remington 30.06 rifle
from the Aeromarine Supply Store in Birmingham and had traveled
with it to Memphis in a white Mustang. Here he checked into Bessie
Brewer's boarding house in the 400 block of South Main Street on the
afternoon of April 4th. Directly behind it was the Lorraine Motel on
Mulberry Street.
At 6:00 p.m. Martin L. King stepped out of room 306 and was joined by
a group of followers with whom he had been in a meeting all afternoon.
He was gunned down only a minute later by a single shot from the rear
bathroom window across the street.

Not one witness saw the actual firing of the shot or claimed it had come
from the window. Most believed it had come from the bushes on the
slope, fifty feet closer.

Still according to the official story, Ray allegedly ran out of the
bathroom and down the hall to his room. Here he stuffed the rifle back
into its box and included it with a bundle containing his clothes,
binoculars, ammunition, a beer can with his fingerprints; and perhaps
the most incriminating of all, a portable radio with his inmate number
from the Missouri State Penitentiary engraved in the back side.
He ran down the stairs and out onto the street where he then dumped the
bundle in the doorway of Canipe's Amusement Company next door to
the rooming house. He then zoomed away in the soon-to-be-infamous
white Mustang. He stayed a few days in Atlanta before moving on to

James Earl's Version
In 1987, after being imprisoned for 19 years, Ray told his side of the
story in Tennessee Waltz, a book that went out of print and was later
published under the title of Who Killed Martin Luther King? (The
biggest loss here was original publisher Tupper Saussy's brilliant
epilogue, "The Politics of Witchcraft," which exposed certain secrets
that the establishment publishers preferred not to discuss. Under the
new title the epilogue was eliminated.) However, he appeared be
avoiding "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" in certain areas,
apparently out of fear of self-incrimination - not necessarily for the
murder but for some lesser crimes. It also appears that James became
aware too late that he had indeed been unwittingly involved in the
conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King.

Ray tells of his prison escape via a bread truck in April of 1967. After
laying low in East St. Louis for a couple of months, he made it to
Chicago where he looked up some old contacts that enabled him to
purchase an old Chrysler for $100. From there he went to Detroit and
crossed the border into Canada. In July, he met a man he knew only as
"Raoul," who quickly began to give James money in exchange for his
help with importing some kind of contraband. James said he never knew
if this was guns, drugs, or what, as he never actually participated in
anything more than trial runs. Raoul always seemed to remain in the
"planning" stages of a smuggling operation.

Ray had a contact phone number in the Area Code of "504," where he
had phoned his contact, "Raoul," many times over the months prior to
the murder. However, when he tried to dial this New Orleans number on
the day after the assassination, it was already disconnected.

Through Raoul, James was kept supplied with money to go to Mexico
to wait for instructions and to Los Angeles to see a plastic surgeon for a
"nose job," effectuating a change in his appearance. He never worked at
a job in any of this time frame prior to the assassination and was
obviously under the financial control of Raoul. James was traveling in a
1966 pale yellow Mustang (not white as were the others), purchased
with $2,000 supplied by Raoul.

James always claimed he had acquired the names of his aliases at
random from a Toronto phone book. He bought the gun in Birmingham
under the name of "Harvey Lowmeyer," checked into the Memphis
flophouse as "John Willard," acquired an Alabama driver's license as
"Eric S. Galt," and traveled to Europe on a passport as Ramon George
Sneyd. However, all four, for which he [or someone] had created I.D.,
looked very much like Ray. The odds of these being a random choice
were just short of impossible. It also is likely that the Los Angeles
plastic surgery rounding out his previously pointed nose was designed
to make him look more like these men, none of whom knew they were
being impersonated.

In February of 1968, Raoul sent travel funds to James in Los Angeles
and ordered him back to New Orleans. From there the two drove
together to Atlanta. In late March, James says that Raoul was making
plans for them to drive to Miami but these plans abruptly changed
around March 29th. They were now going to Memphis.
It was on or about this date that MLK had cancelled a planned speaking
engagement in Miami in order to fly to Memphis and tend to the
problems with the garbage strike. It now seems that Raoul had this
information before anyone else.

En route they spent the first night in Birmingham. After checking into a
motel, Raoul gave James a wad of money and sent him to the
Aeromarine Supply Store to purchase a "deer rifle for your brother-inlaw."
Having little knowledge of weaponry, James bought what he
thought was appropriate and returned with a .243 caliber Winchester.
Raoul immediately decided he didn't like it and sent James back to the
store the next morning to exchange it for another with a "larger bore."
The salesman told James, "Tell your brother-in-law that this gun will
bring down any deer in Alabama!" But he did agree to exchange it for
the higher priced Remington 30.06. After his incarceration, James was
always certain that real purpose of this instructed return to the gun store
was simply another part of the "set-up" to make sure that the salesman
would not forget him.

In Memphis on April 4th, the afternoon of the murder, Raoul had
suggested that James go to a movie, but James declined. After several
tries at getting rid of James for awhile, Raoul finally sent him on an
errand only minutes before King was shot. James said that he was going
to get the worn tires changed on the Mustang but that the man at the tire
store was too busy and could not get to it that day. When James returned
to the flophouse/Lorraine Motel location, it was surrounded by police
cars with flashing lights, and he decided it would be prudent to leave the
area, as it certainly was not a place for an escaped con to hanging

Ray was very vague about this time frame, and it may be assumed,
again, that he did not want to admit to having backed out of a planned
armed robbery, which appears below. To do so might have led to too
many questions about his foreknowledge of the murder about to take
place and exposed his (assumed) role - that of getaway driver. We must
remember that while in prison, Ray was extremely vulnerable.
It was while he was driving south on U.S. Highway 61 into Mississippi
that James heard the news on the radio that Martin Luther King had
been shot. He then turned east and headed back to Atlanta. James was
always vague about the details of his return trip to Canada and the
contacts he made there prior to his flight to Europe - often appearing to
be protecting others.

In Tennessee Waltz, Ray told a chilling story of harassment and torture,
describing his treatment in the Shelby County Jail, which sounded as if
he were relating experiences from the Soviet Union rather than
America. He was kept under floodlights 24 hours a day for eight solid
months prior to his guilty plea, never knowing if it was day or night
outside. His cell was "bugged," and two deputies were monitoring and
recording every conversation - even those purported sacrosanct
exchanges between client and attorney. Tired and weakened by the
strain, Ray was finally coerced into a guilty plea by his attorney, to
whom he referred for the rest of his life as "Percy Foreflusher."

New Pieces To The Puzzle
Over the years Jim Green's Federal Intelligence connections have
become legendary in his hometown of Caruthersville, Missouri. "He's
untouchable," or "He can't be arrested, the feds just walk him out of jail,
everybody knows that." But now one must assume that the Untouchable
is fast becoming anathema to his former handlers. Jim has had an attack
of conscience and is talking!

"I hope to change a lie in history to the truth about that day in
Memphis," says Green, 54, a reformed "bad boy" who spent the first
half of his life as a teenage runaway, moonshine runner, and car thief.
The last half was spent in law enforcement, raising children, teaching
school, and coaching football - along with occasional undercover work.
His only source of income today is a social security disability check.
Since coming forward with his story, he has refused all offers of any
work involving government covert action, for fear of being "set up"
and/or killed.

On December 3, 1998, he spent six hours with MLK's son Dexter King,
Rev. James Lawson, and William Pepper (Ray's attorney and author of
Orders to Kill, a semi-accurate compilation of facts and conjecture
describing the government's involvement in the King assassination).
"At this meeting, I cleared my soul telling Dexter of my involvement on
the day of his father's death," says Green. "I knew there would be many
more questions to come, and that's when I decided to put my story in

He calls his book, Blood and Dishonor on a Badge of Honor, and when
he put it up on the internet two years ago, it caught the attention of
Lyndon Barsten on Minneapolis. Barsten decided to check Green's story
against the known facts as well as the suppressed information
uncovered by him and others over the years. He was astounded.
Everything fit. Green knew details that could only have been known by
someone who was there, and the FBI documentation acquired by
Barsten substantiated his story. Some of these papers show that the FBI
had been constantly tracking James Earl Ray and had knowledge of his
whereabouts during most of the year he was an escaped convict. Both
Green and Barston believe that the FBI was instrumental in Ray's
"escape" from the Missouri State Penitentiary in April of 1967 for the
sole purpose of setting him up as a "patsy" when the time came.
"Why else would these reports be in the record?" says Green, "And why
would they have any files on an escaped con from a state prison?"
Indeed. And something even more suspicious, why did the FBI not
contact the Missouri authorities and have Ray picked up? He was under
their thumb for some ten months. Later investigation showed that the
fingerprints sent out by JeffCity for "escaped prisoner James Earl Ray"
were not really his, ensuring his release if he happened to be captured as
an escaped felon.

CIA/Peace Corps
Jim Green was student at Caruthersville High when he decided that the
Peace Corps would be an exciting way to see the world. At the tender
age of 16, he had no way of knowing that this was a major feeding
ground of the Central Intelligence Agency (he assumes that his school
counselor who helped him fill out the forms did not either), but this was
where the initial contact was made.

He was contacted by FBI personnel and given a thorough background
check. Then a series of interesting and mysterious events began after he
was accepted and was under the government's control. In a short time
this led to the Missouri State Pen where he knew James Earl Ray in

"I have a good memory, but there are two weeks from this time at Jeff
City that I can only remember a few hours of," Jim reflects.
Lyndon Barsten says, "The contacts and methods utilized in the murder
of Dr. King bear the signature of the CIA, including the probable use of
MK-Ultra mind control techniques. Parallel psychiatric irregularities at
the Missouri prison system are described by James Earl Ray and Jim
Green, including the shocking drugging of inmates which could render
the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. It
seems highly likely that Jim was subjected to psychological assessment
and manipulation, the results of which directed back to Federal
Intelligence Agencies."

A further series of events led to Jim's early release (effectuated by
"Paul," the FBI Agent who became his handler) and a reunion back in
Caruthersville with Butch Collier, his former partner from the
moonshine running days. For the next year and a half, Jim and Butch
and others ran moonshine and delivered hot cars from St. Louis to New
Orleans. Both operations were under the direction of Paul, who would
later show his credentials to Jim and identify himself as a FBI Agent. At
first Green was concerned about this ("I had never known the feds to be
crooked!"), but he was assured by others whom he trusted that Paul had
the power to isolate them from any investigation. "Paul's boss is at the
top," he was told. Jim took this implication to mean none other than J.
Edgar Hoover.

This complicated, sometimes hard-to-follow sequence of activities in
Green's life is made plainer (especially to those unfamiliar with the facts
of the MLK murder case) by the frequent interjection of Lyndon
Barsten's clarification of facts. But at this point, Green and his older (by
six years) friend, Butch Collier, resumed their lives of crime. Not only
would they hot wire and snatch individual autos from parking lots and
drive them to Memphis, but they were also paid $5,000 on occasion to
drive an 18-wheeler load of several cars from St. Louis to New Orleans
for delivery to the Carlos Marcello mob. Green says that this was done
with full knowledge and protection of the FBI.

("At this time of my life, the only thing that made me nervous was Paul.
His being an agent of the FBI didn't fit into my little world at the time.
Also, I didn't like it because it seemed like Paul was running the show
and he was an outsider! I guess, at that young age, I just did what I was
told. This must be why eighteen-year-olds are chosen to fight wars.
Most men with experience will ask `Why are we here,' and most
teenagers will just follow orders.")

April 4, 1968
Jim Green's story fills in more blanks with logical answers to the
previously unanswered questions. His assignment, for which he was to
be paid $10,000, was to kill James Earl Ray. "On the night of April
3rd," Green says, "Paul met us in our room. He had a small package
which he laid on the bed, he told us "there's $5,000 in that package for
you and five more when the job is done, once James Earl Ray is killed
on the fourth."

Indicative of the compartmentalization of each participant in this
textbook CIA assassination, Green says that he was not even aware of
the total operation of which he had been a part until he was back home
in Caruthersville watching the Ten O'clock News with his father. He
would only be following orders and believes that he was chosen for this
segment because he had spent time at JeffCity with Ray and knew what
he looked like.

Jim and his partner, Butch Collier, stalked Ray in the early afternoon
after they found him at Jim's Cafe - exactly where they had been told
they would find him. Later Jim climbed to his assigned rooftop position
of a dilapidated three story office building in the next block south of
Bessie Brewer's rooming house on Main Street at around 3:30 p.m.,
armed with a .357 caliber rifle. His instructions were to shoot James
Earl Ray "after five o'clock" and only in the event that John Talley, a
Memphis Police Detective, failed.

The planners did not want to face another Oswald/Tippet-type snafu as
in Dallas.

James Earl Ray was in the rooming house, and Green observed him
come and go three or four times during the next two hours. On one of
these occasions, Ray came outside and stood by the Mustang for several
minutes before going back upstairs.

This coincides with Ray's story that Raoul kept attempting to get James
away from the area. It also telegraphs again that Ray was purposefully
not telling the whole story, apparently being careful not to jeopardize
his position of "innocent and framed" by admitting planned criminal
activity. Green's next segment shows us the real plan already in motion
to set up Ray. The man that Green knew as Paul, the FBI Special Agent,
was the same person Ray knew as Raoul, who had kept him on a leash
for eight months - from Montreal to Memphis.

When Ray left the flophouse the final time, at a few minutes before six
(King would be shot at 6:01), Green knew the instructions from
Paul/Raoul had been for Ray to first rob Jim's Grill at gunpoint and
hurry south on Main Street to the Arcade Restaurant. The phony ploy
was that they were getting ready to travel and would need some quick
cash. However, James must have become suspicious. When he came out
on the street, he did not commit the armed robbery nor continue
walking down the sidewalk as instructed but climbed into the Mustang
(James' car was not white, as reported by police and the news media,
but a pale yellow) and calmly drove north away from the scene. He
never returned. By this time Butch Collier was stationed in the bushes
in back of the boarding house and directly across the street from the
Lorraine Motel.

It was a fortuitous intuition on the part of Ray. Lingering in the next
block was Memphis Police Detective John Talley, whose assignment
was to kill Ray. He was carrying the standard police issue .357 Magnum
revolver. Jim Green was on the roof of the building across the street and
armed with the.357 rifle in the event Talley missed or was killed by Ray.
Green was the backup in case anything went wrong. The caliber would

Remember Dallas in 1963 Re.Oswald and Officer Tippett. Again this is
straight from the textbook of "Assassinations 101." After the patsy is
dead, anything can be leaked to the press to demonize him, as it was in
both these cases, even while each was still alive.

But when Ray was "spooked" and drove away in the pale yellow
Mustang, it threw a monkey wrench into the conspirator's plans.
However, there was a second Mustang that still remained parked on
Main Street. This one was white and belonged to Joe R. Tipton but was
brought to Memphis by Jim Green and Butch Collier. They had also
brought several rifles, which were still in the trunk. Green's instructions
were to stay on the rooftop until Collier arrived in the parking area at
the rear to pick him up. At 6:01 p.m., he heard the shot, and only
moments later saw Paul and Butch emerge one behind the other from
the stairway of the flophouse onto the street. He saw Paul dump the
bundle of evidence into the doorway of Canipe's Amusement Company,
while Butch was jumping into the driver's seat of the white Mustang,
and watched as they sped north on Main Street. Paul/Raoul and the
Memphis Police utilized a third Mustang, also white, as a diversion.
Suddenly the FBI's folly of the utter stupidity of the alleged assassin
(Ray) dumping his own incriminating evidence on the street begins to
take shape. Paul intended to drop it in the back seat of the pale yellow
Mustang - Ray's - thinking that James Earl had followed instructions
and was down the street getting killed. Then the FBI would have had its
open and shut case. (Ray is dead and here is the "murder" weapon
found in his car.) But when Paul/Raoul is suddenly confronted with the
current situation of no Ray car available, he frustratingly drops the
bundle in the first handy place, and he and Butch hightail it up the street
in the white Mustang. Jim Green watched all this unfold from his
secluded rooftop position.

Butch Collier had just killed Martin Luther King with one shot from the
bushes on the slope across the street from the Lorraine Motel. He then
ran up the rear stairs to the second floor and back down the front stairs
to Main Street. By this time, Paul had run down the hall from the
upstairs bathroom (where he had watched the shooting) carrying the
"plant" rifle purchased in Birmingham by Ray in hand. (Paul was seen
by other tenants who later said this person was not Ray.) He then stuffed
it in the bag with the other "evidence" and was down the front stairwell
only seconds behind Collier.

Jim Green watched as Butch drove two blocks up the street before
pausing to drop off Paul at a parked Memphis Police Department squad
car. A couple of minutes later, Butch was tooting the horn of the
Mustang in the parking lot behind Jim's three-story perch. Jim came
down to join his confederate, stashed his rifle in the trunk with the
others, and the two men headed for the Mississippi River Bridge toward
Jim tells of hauling several guns to Memphis in the trunk of the
Mustang on April 2nd, following the instructions of Paul. Butch had
removed the one of his choice for the King murder earlier the next day,
but the other weapons were still in the trunk. In Collier's haste to
escape the murder scene, he had not bothered to open the trunk but had
quickly thrown the murder weapon onto the floor behind the front seat
as he and Paul jumped into the Mustang.

When Collier and Green crossed the river into Arkansas, they took an
immediate turn onto the frontage road and headed back down to the
riverside. They hurriedly opened the trunk and dumped the cache of
weapons into the water. Headed up U. S. 61 and halfway home an hour
later, Jim peered into the back seat and noticed the rifle on the floor.
When he called his partner's attention to it, Butch realized that they had
failed to dump the most important evidence of all.

"Well !@#$," said Collier, we can't drop it here on the side of the
highway. What do we do with it?' Jim pondered a moment and said,
"Never mind. I know a friend who will take care of it with no questions

Green delivered the rifle the next morning to his trusted but unnamed
friend in Caruthersville, who kept it for 29 years. When he decided to
write his book, Green retrieved it and has had it stashed in a safe place
in another state ever since. The rifle has now been tested for ballistics
and the results are pending.

While James Earl Ray was running from the FBI in April, May, and
June, he had no way of knowing that he was also being pursued by Jim
Green and Butch Collier as well - although he may have suspected it.
On April 6th, the shooters were called together for a meeting at the
Climax Bar in Caruthersville with Paul some others. Jim Green
describes the situation:

We were told we had "some serious problems" to deal with. "First you
have to find Ray and kill him, in order that nothing can lead back to the
government or us," Paul said. "We're all in this together, and if one of
us goes down, we all go down." He told us that his orders came from the
top. "Roachie will kill us before he or his boss will get involved." Paul
seemed more serious than ever.

Later, I figured out who Roachie was: Cartha Deloach, the number
three man [in the FBI] behind Hoover and Tolson. . . Butch and I told
them what we did with the rifles but forgot to mention the 30.06 that I
have to this day. . . Everybody in that room that day is dead except for
Paul and me.

(In those days Green and Collier always used as their "life insurance
policy" the bluff that they had the rifle and various tapes and records
that would go public if anything happened to them. It wasn't true, but it
worked. Collier died about ten years ago of cancer.)

For the next few weeks Green and Collier went to several places, toting
unregistered Rossi .38 pistols made in Brazil, in their quest to kill Ray.
Paul always seemed to have a line on Ray's whereabouts, and the two
hunters came closest to their prey in Toronto. Paul had sent them to a
hotel where they learned that James Earl had checked out only two
hours earlier. They searched several other places for two other aliases
under which Paul knew Ray to be traveling and hiding, but they could
not locate him. Green says that it was obvious to Butch and him at the
time that Paul had ongoing intelligence being fed to him by either the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the Toronto City Police.

"Ramon George Sneyd" soon acquired his passport and made his way to
Europe, never knowing how close he came to being murdered on the
run - ironically by the same faction that had murdered Martin Luther
King and pinned the crime on Ray.

Green subsequently served a short time in jail for some previous
infractions but had his very early release aided by Paul. Two years later,
Green met with Missouri Attorney General John Danforth and about a
half dozen others, including Paul, at a Sikeston, Missouri motel. It was a
secret investigation in an attempt to oust the county sheriff and expose
his corruption - which eventually succeeded. But Green's performance,
with the correct double-talk, exposed nothing, and for this he was later
rewarded with a deputy's job in the new administration. He later moved
on to federal undercover work in Memphis.

During one seven-month period in the mid-70s, the Memphis group got
265 convictions and failed only once when a mistrial was declared.
Green says, "I know first-hand that the police will testify in whatever
way they have to in order to get a conviction or further their careers."
For now exposing the corruption of the courts and the FBI, Jim Green is
certain that he will be called a liar. "But the same people," he is quick to
point out, "who will attempt to discredit me today will have to be the
same ones who in the 1970s said that I was the most honest, reliable,
and trustworthy witness. If I am a liar, then all the cases I testified at
should be appealed and thrown out and the records set straight."


As mentioned, Jim Green's revelations fit too many pieces (confirmed
with the FBI's own documents) to have been contrived from his
imagination. He had told it to one official long before James Earl Ray
told his story in Tennessee Waltz, which Green did not read until 1998,
after he had begun his own book.
Jim Green had attempted to "clear his soul" as far back as 1973, when
he told journalist Kay Black of the Memphis Press Scimiter the same
story printed here with only slightly fewer details. It was never
published but frightened Ms. Black enough for her to report it to law
enforcement authorities. This led to Green's appearance in front of the
HSCA in 1976. There his testimony was obliterated from the record and
never made public. So much for government inquiries.
One of James Earl Ray's brothers has now come forward with
information corroborating the FBI's cooperation in James' escape as
well as the Chicago mob's participation in the assassination, under the
direction of Sam Giancano. John Ray admits that it was he who picked
up his brother after his 1967 "escape" in the bread truck and drove him
to a safe house in East St. Louis.

Lyndon Barston's detailed research shows powerful evidence
implicating the FBI with complicity in a CIA plot.
1] In late 1964, the FBI had tried to get Dr. King to commit suicide
prior to his departing to Europe to claim his Nobel Peace Prize. This
was accomplished by sending an alleged surveillance tape of Dr. King
in an extra-marital sexual relation to the SCLC with a letter warning
that all would become public if Dr. King didn't kill himself prior to his
collecting his Nobel Prize.

2] Lab work relating to the murder of Dr. King at FBI Headquarters was
dreadfully inadequate. The Remington 30.06 rifle purchased by Ray in
Birmingham and deposited at the scene of the crime was not even
swabbed to see if it had been fired! Today it still remains as the
"official" murder weapon of the MURKIN case. Yet, for some reason,
this test was run on even the rifle James Earl Ray had returned to
Aeromarine Supply in Birmingham in exchange for the Remington
prior to the murder!

3] Atlanta FBI informant, J. C. Hardin, is documented in the MURKIN
file as contacting James Earl Ray in Los Angeles just prior to Ray's
packing up and heading east to Atlanta and Memphis.

4] On the 29th of March, the FBI, through its "friendly" press contacts,
placed Dr. King in the open and insecure Lorraine Motel by criticizing
him in the press for patronizing "white owned Hotels."

5] Journalist Louis Lomax who later died in a mysterious car crash, was
investigating Dr. King's death when visited by two FBI men who
instructed him to abruptly end the series of fruitful articles he was
producing for the N. A. N. A. Louis Lomax, described as being "no
good" in an FBI memo (HQ 44-38861-3196); was a highly respected
journalist. It was Lomax who uncovered the deception of the false
fingerprints sent out by JeffCity for escaped prisoner James Earl Ray.
This strongly suggests the duplicity of both state and federal agencies in
the ploy.

The Intelligence Community's relationship with the mob and union
racketeers, as described by Jim Green, is highly documented in the post-
World War II era. Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana often described the
CIA and his organization as "two sides of the same coin."

Butch Collier, believed to be the true identity of King Assassin "Raoul"
Deputy John Cooper Green Jr., the CIA whistleblower who's vanished
memoir exposed the truth that CIA & FBI's were guilty of King's murder.

If you have a copy of 'Blood and Dishonor on a Badge of Honor' by Deputy John 'Jim'
Cooper Green Jr. or know where the full text can be found PLEASE CONTACT ME this
historically irreplaceable manuscript has been LOST since his murder by federal assassin(s)
but at one point WAS available online - PLEASE EMAIL ME AT [email protected]

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