Other > E-books |
Roberts & Hedges’ Clinical Procedures in Emergency Me
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Atlas of Advanced Operative Surgery [PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Wilcox’s Surgical Anatomy of the Heart 4th Ed [PDF][tahir9
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Ferri's Color Atlas & Text of Clinical Medicine [PDF][tahir9
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Feigin & Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
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Essentials of Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine [PDF][tahir99]
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Current Therapy in Vascular & Endovascular Surgery 5th Ed [t
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Netter's Gastroenterology 2nd Ed. [PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Rosen's Emergency Medicine -Concepts and Clinical Practice 8th E
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Essential Surgery - Problem Diagnosis & Management 5th Ed [P
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Essential Orthopedics and Trauma 5th Ed [PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Enzinger and Weiss’s Soft Tissue Tumors 5th Ed [PDF][tahir
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Netter's Internal Medicine 2nd Ed [PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Practical Bedside Ecocardiography Cases (Mac-Graw Hill) [PDF][ta
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Color Atlas and Synopsis of Vascular Diseases [PDF][tahir99] VRG
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Clinical Ecocardiography - A Textbook 4th Ed. [PDF][tahir99] VRG
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Urologic Surgical Pathology 3rd Ed [PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Atlas of Clinical Gross Anatomy 2nd Ed. [PDF] [tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Rheumatology 6th Ed [2015][PDF][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Apley's and Solomans Consise System of Orthopedics and Trauma 4t
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Clinical Neuroanatomy 27th Ed. (LANGE) [PDF] [tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Adams and Victor's - Principle of Neurology 10th Ed. [PDF][tahir
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Williams Obstetrics 24th Ed. [PDF][2014][tahir99] VRG.pdf
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Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Ecocardiography 2n
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Rubin's Pathology Clinicopath.Found. of Med. [PDF][2015][tahir99
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Operative Pediatric Surgery 2nd Ed(McGraw-Hill) [PDF][2014][tahi
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Principles of Physiology for the Anaesthetist 2nd Ed [PDF][tahir
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Fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum 3rd Ed. [PDF] [tahir99] VRG.p
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Color Atlas of Cosmetic Dermatology 2 Ed (McGraw-Hill 2011)[PDF]
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Clinical Emergency Medicine (LANGE) [2014][PDF] [tahir99] VRG.pd
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